
Packers Plus StackFRAC System Increases Production and Decreases Costs for TransAtlantic Petroleum in Turkey

Geschrieben am 08-01-2014

Dubai, Uae (ots/PRNewswire) -

Packers Plus Energy Services Inc. has increased production rates
and decreased costs for TransAtlantic Petroleum Ltd. in Turkey. Over
the last eight months, the two companies have installed the Packers
Plus StackFRAC(R) open hole multi-stage completion system and have
seen initial production rates increase as much as 300%.

By using the Packers Plus StackFRAC system in the Teslimkoy and
Middle Sinan Dolomite (MSD) formations in southeastern Turkey,
TransAtlantic has also seen a 25% average decrease in completion

"Applying North American stimulation and well intervention
practices in the international arena is difficult and can become cost
prohibitive very quickly," said Justin Davis, VP of Engineering at
TransAtlantic. "The experience and service quality that Packers Plus
brings to the international market has helped us exceed expectations
and provides the confidence we need to move forward with the
development of key assets in Turkey."

Packers Plus has also done work for TransAtlantic's wholly owned
subsidiary, Thrace Basin Natural Gas (Turkey) Corporation in
northwest Turkey and has seen impressive numbers. These wells
incorporated the Packers Plus SF Cementor(TM) stage collar and
StackFRAC system technologies to their assets resulting in a 200%
increase in initial production rates and a 50% average decrease in
completion costs.

TransAtlantic is the first operator to use open hole StackFRAC
systems in Turkey.

"Packers Plus' ability to provide custom, fit-for-purpose
technology has allowed TransAtlantic to reduce their operational
expenditures. This increase in capital can then be applied to other
assets," said Joel Appleton, International Business Development for
Packers Plus. "Both companies have benefitted from teamwork and we
look forward to working together in the future to introduce more
innovative technologies to the international market."

This latest operational success with TransAtlantic in Turkey
builds on prior international experience and outlines the capability
of Packers Plus technology to add value in a wide variety of
formations around the world.

About Packers Plus and StackFRAC

Packers Plus is the innovator of open hole multi-stage fracture
stimulation systems and is an industry leader in designing and
manufacturing innovative solutions for a variety of completion
challenges. Packers Plus has run over 12,500 completion systems
accounting for over 160,000 fracture stages since the company started
operations in 2000.

Today, Packers Plus has employees in 37 offices in Canada, the
United States and across the globe. With international offices
servicing Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, AsiaPac, and Latin
America, Packers Plus has experience in key markets throughout the

Packers Plus(R) and StackFRAC(R) are registered trademarks of
Packers Plus Energy Services Inc.

For further information:

Joel Appleton
International Business Development
Packers Plus Energy Services Inc.
Phone: +1-403-234-6001
Cell: +1-403-399-8923

Tess MacLeod
Team Lead, Marketing Communications
Packers Plus Energy Services Inc.
Phone: +1-403-263-7587
Cell: +1-403-880-3740

ots Originaltext: Packers Plus
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de


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