
New this summer - at RESOL's

Geschrieben am 28-05-2009

Hattingen (ots) - It's going to be a hot summer - at least at
RESOL's, as there are a number of new products to be presented at the
2009 Intersolar trade fair. No less than three new controllers, a new
pump station and a newly developed calorimeter will be expanding the
RESOL product portfolio this summer.

The successful DeltaSol® controller family is growing by three new
members: the DeltaSol® BX, the DeltaSol® MX and the DeltaSol®
MiniPool have been added to the family circle. The DeltaSol® BX and
MX come with a newly designed housing and a completely new
seven-button operational concept that is similar to the well-known
mobile phone menus. Both controllers are equipped with SD memory card
slots for easy datalogging, inputs for Grundfos Direct Sensors[TM]
and of course the RESOL VBus®. The DeltaSol® BX has four relay
outputs and an extra large display for comprehensive system
visualisation. The DeltaSol® MX is equipped with 13 relay outputs and
a full graphic display that can chart balance and progression

With the integrated PWM outputs, both controllers can manage the
speed control of energy-saving high-efficiency pumps. Generally,
saving energy is a top priority with the new RESOL developments:
integrated switch-mode power supplies beat down the standby power
consumption of the controllers to less than 1 W.

The DeltaSol® MiniPool is the successor of the DeltaSol® KS and is
designed for heating a swimming pool by means of solar collectors and
optimised operation of the filter system. The 'little brother' of the
DeltaSol® Pool offers a broad range of functions such as a maximum
limitation of the flow temperature, a pool cooling function and a
flushing function.

The FlowCon Sensor pump station is a particularly outstanding
innovation - it is the first RESOL pump station to include all
electronic system components required in one pre-assembled unit. It
only has to be fitted to the hydraulic system, no additional store or
collector sensors have to be installed, as they are substituted by
the integrated Grundfos Direct Sensors[TM] (VFD). A highly
sophisticated algorithm determines when the pump is to be activated
to detect the possibility of a solar gain. Thus, the FlowCon Sensor
saves both installation effort and costs, offers an increased system
reliability and an easy fault diagnosis - without making the owner
miss out on any performance or function of a standard solar system.
The innovation potential of the FlowCon Sensor has just been rewarded
with the Intersolar Award in the solar thermal category.

The WMZ-G1 calorimeter was especially developed for the connection
of up to two Grundfos Direct Sensors[TM], which measure the
temperature as well as one additional value, depending on the sensor
type. If at least one of the sensors connected measures the flow
rate, the heat quantity can be calculated without an additional V40
module. The WMZ-G1 also monitors the operating status of the system
and displays deviations.

All these new products originate from RESOL's very own Research &
Development division. While the summer's news are being announced,
the R&D engineers already have their hands on the next projects.
Among them is, for example, one that trades under the working title
VBus®Touch. It is a software especially designed for the Apple iPhone
and iPod touch. It displays both live data and progression charts of
the solar system at any place in the world, provided that the system
is run by a RESOL controller equipped with a VBus® interface and a
datalogger connected to the Internet via LAN. A design study is being
tested already, the pre-commercial development is in progress. The
VBus®Touch software will be available for download in the Apple App
Store, from where it can be installed on the individual device
without any expertise required. If the iPhone or the iPod touch are
in a vertical position, a hydraulic scheme of the system is displayed
with live data. As soon as the device is turned into a horizontal
position, the integrated accelerometer switches to the display of a
progression chart. With VBus®Touch, RESOL is breaking new ground in
system visualisation. For the modern solar system owner, the software
will soon be an essential asset.

DeltaSol® and VBus® are registered trademarks of the RESOL GmbH
Grundfos Direct Sensors[TM] is a registered trademark of the Grundfos
Group App Store, iPod touch and iPhone are trademarks of Apple Inc.

Originaltext: RESOL - Elektronische Regelungen GmbH
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press kits via RSS: http://www.presseportal.de/rss/pm_75740.rss2

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