
Dialogue of Civilizations Rhodes Forum focuses on search for new global narratives, first headline speakers named (FOTO)

Geschrieben am 18-06-2019

Berlin (ots) -

- 17th edition of Dialogue of Civilizations flagship public event
marks 30 years since fall of Berlin Wall with focus on search for new
narratives in a globalising world;

- Confirmed speakers included best-selling author Bruno Maçães,
former Europe Minister of Portugal; Ehud Olmert, former Prime
Minister of Israel; and former Austrian Chancellor Alfred Gusenbauer.

- Forum focuses on three key themes: Sustainable economic
development; Global architecture and global (geo)politics;
Digitalised lives, ethical standards, and the revival of civility.

- 17th Rhodes Forum takes place on 11-12 October 2019 on the Greek
island of Rhodes

This year's Rhodes Forum - the flagship public event of the
Dialogue of Civilizations Research Institute (DOC), the independent
non-partisan Berlin-based think tank - will focus on the search for
new global narratives as the world marks the 30th anniversary of the
fall of the Berlin Wall. The first headline speakers for the 2019
Rhodes Forum have also been announced.

Under the title "Global (Dis)Order: Towards Dialogue-Based
Worldviews", the 17th Rhodes Forum will raise the tough question of
stimulating a new narrative founded on values that continue to be
cherished and shared by many. Panels will examine what the most
pressing global challenges are and what solutions to them could look
like. Most importantly, the Forum will strive to offer new and
workable ideas and policy recommendations and to define how and where
action can begin.

The opening plenary session "30 Years after the Fall of the Berlin
Wall: In Search of a Roadmap and a Compass", brings together
distinguished high-profile public figures from a diversity of
backgrounds including:

- Bruno Maçães, best-selling author of "The Dawn of Eurasia" and
"Belt and Road" and former Europe Minister of Portugal;

- Alfred Gusenbauer, former Chancellor of Austria;

- Gabriella Ramos, OECD Chief of Staff and Sherpa to the G20;

- Miguel Ángel Moratinos, UN High Representative for the Alliance
on Civilizations and former Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs; and

- Chen Dongxiao, President of the Shanghai Institutes for
International Studies.

The session will be moderated by Stephan Grobe, Brussels
Correspondent of Euronews.

The DOC was one of the first organisations to propose a
civilizational research approach that focuses on the anthropological
and systemic roots of contemporary crises. A second plenary session
will therefore address the topic of "civilizational states", which
has in recent months garnered significant attention in global media
including the FT and New Statesman.

Headline speakers on this panel include former Israeli Prime
Minister Ehud Olmert; Christopher Coker, Director of LSE IDEAS, the
foreign policy think tank of the London School of Economics; Naciye
Selin Senocak, Chair Holder for UNESCO for Cultural Diplomacy,
Governance and Education, Turkey; Pascal Boniface, Founder of the
Institut de Relations Internationales et Stratégiques (IRIS); and
Amitav Acharya, Professor of International Relations at the School of
International Service, American University, Washington, DC.

Bruno Maçães will also speak on the plenary session "Examining
Geopolitical World Views: Battle of Giants?" moderated by
distinguished British journalist and broadcaster Mary Dejevsky. Other
confirmed speakers on the panel include Wang Huiyao, Founder and
President of the Center for China and Globalization in Beijing;
Alexey Gromyko of the Institute for Europe; and DOC co-founder
Professor Peter Schulze of the University of Göttingen.

For more information about the Rhodes Forum and to secure your
place, please visit www.rhodesforum.org

Follow the DOC on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn

About the 17th Rhodes Forum

The Rhodes Forum aims to facilitate a better understanding of the
deep changes our societies are undergoing. It will shed light on
initiatives that contribute substantially towards sustainable
economic development; propose new concepts for the architecture of
international governance in the context of shifts in power within the
global economy; and it will examine the restoration of civility and
promotion of ethical standards in the digital age.

Since 2003 the Rhodes Forum has brought together leaders from the
business, academic, diplomatic and political communities, including
current and former heads of state and government, to discuss crucial
issues facing the world today. Throughout its history, its hallmark
has been the pioneering spirit, inclusiveness, and moral resilience
of its participants in their work to tackle the problems we face.

For media accreditation, please contact media@doc-research.org

Original-Content von: Dialogue of Civilizations Research Institute, übermittelt durch news aktuell


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