

Geschrieben am 27-10-2020

New Delhi (ots) -

- The promotion "Europe at your table, with olives from Spain", co-financed by the European Union, tries to bring together two of the world's most vibrant and passionate cuisines - The programme aims to raise awareness of the cultural potential, the versatility, the taste, and the variety of his gourmet product increasingly valued in the Asian country - An inclusive experience that will share traditions and bring the essence of European cuisine closer to the Indian table through innovative olive recipes

Integrate the versatile table olive, a food without geographical limits, into the emblematic dishes of Indian food to enrich further, if that is possible, one of the most varied and exciting cuisines in the world. That is the objective of "Europe at your table, with olives from Spain", the new triennial campaign set in motion by the Interprofessional Organisation of the Table Olive, in India.

In this context, Interaceituna will introduce one of Europe's most emblematic foods to the Indian table through irresistible recipes, demonstrating that when you put olives on the plate, you are putting origin, history , and a way of understanding and enjoying life. This gastronomic fusion will become a source of cultural integration and show the versatility of this ancient fruit.

The project , co-financed by the European Union, aims to promote internationalization and reinforce the presence of the table olive (Manzanilla, Gordal, Hojiblanca and stuffed) in the Asian country , where it fits perfectly in the universe of tastes and smells that make up its cuisine, grounded in the diversity of cultures that has enriched it during centuries.

It is worth remembering that there is a large segment of the Indian population , above all young people, who are interested in European food . These consumers, who have more select and sophisticated tastes than the average European consumer, are searching for new experiences and quality products that boost and reinvent their traditional dishes without losing the essence of their rich and varied cuisine. In this sense, the European olive responds perfectly to this demand because of the diversity of tastes it offers and the interesting links it establishes with other foods.

Likewise, this programme is mainly aimed at the urban consumers, interested in gastronomy, new trends and catering. "Europe at your table, with olives from Spain" will invite gastronomy influencers to create recipes with this ancient fruit, reinventing its traditional use and exploring all the possibilities it offers in the kitchens of the second most populated country in the world.

About INTERACEITUNA and Olives from Spain I

NTERACEITUNA is the Interprofessional Organisation of the Table Olive recognised by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food that represents the entire sector of production, processing and marketing of table olives. Created to implement different programmes and activities of general interest INTERACEITUNA promotes knowledge of Spanish table olives and carries out research, promotion and development activities in the sector. INTERACEITUNA and the European Union have joined forces to promote this product.


mailto:oscar.westermeyer@tactics.es web: http://www.olivesatyourtable.eu Instagram: olivesatyourtable.in Phone: +34 915062860

Additional content: http://presseportal.de/pm/149561/4746514 OTS: Europe at your table, with olives from Spain

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