
Enigma Securities Work With Bloomberg To Provide Research To Bloomberg Terminal

Geschrieben am 28-09-2020

London (ots/PRNewswire) - Enigma Securities Ltd. ( http://www.enigma-securities.io/ ), a technology-driven financial institution dedicated to corporate liquidity solutions for cryptoassets, announced that it will be providing institutional-grade research to Bloomberg terminal subscribers through the Bloomberg Contributions platform.

The agreement will allow in-client access for all Bloomberg subscribers to the Enigma research weekly publication 'De-coding Crypto', which provides an institutional-focused outlook on major cryptoassets and examines a variety of timely topics relating to market structure and trends. Past topics have included the regulatory environment, market catalysts, and deep-dive analysis of pertinent themes in the crypto and blockchain worlds.

Bloomberg clients can access Enigma's research through: NH ENI .

"We are excited be able to offer in-terminal research access to all Bloomberg clients, and to continue to contribute to institutional education on cryptoassets," said Joseph Edwards, Head of Research at Enigma Securities. "2020 has been a watershed year for the maturation and institutionalisation of the market infrastructure around cryptoassets. As the definitive institutional platform, our presence on Bloomberg enhances our ability to reach a broader audience and further contribute to the growth of cryptoasset industry."

About Enigma Securities ( http://www.enigma-securities.io/ )

Enigma Securities is a leading, regulated crypto-focused financial institution, specialized in electronic execution services and other corporate client solutions. Headquartered in London, UK, the firm works with institutional and corporate clients to provide a full suite of crypto services and bespoke liquidity solutions through its proprietary electronic trading platform and API access.

Enigma was first established in 2017 as the crypto arm of international brokerage firm Makor Group by Co-Founders Mr. Michael Halimi and Mr. Avi Bouhadana, in response to growing institutional demand for trusted access to digital asset trading. Looking to seize new opportunities presented by cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, Enigma quickly became one of the first regulated firms to set up the infrastructure to meet institutional standards.

Since its launch, the firm continues to expand its capabilities targeting a full-stack financial institution model with client-focused agency, leading innovation while working to bridge the gap between traditional financial services and cryptocurrency markets. Mr. Wilfred Daye, CEO of Enigma Securities, leads corporate development and technology innovation. He has deep capital market experience, including Lehman Brothers, Barclays, Deutsche Bank and UBS. Mr. Daye lead OKCoin as Head of Financial Markets for OKCoin and President of Noble Capital International.

Contact: Anastasia Ulianova Head of Investor Relations & Marketing, Enigma Securities aulianova@enigma-securities.io

Additional content: http://presseportal.de/pm/145842/4718618 OTS: Enigma Securities

Original-Content von: Enigma Securities, übermittelt durch news aktuell


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