
2 Weeks Left Until Food ingredients Istanbul!

Geschrieben am 25-04-2013

Amsterdam (ots/PRNewswire) -

On 7-9 May 2013, Fi Istanbul will become the food ingredients
powerhouse exhibition, joining together two of the largest economies,
Europe and Asia, together with the Middle East and North Africa.

Asia and Europe are amongst the largest economies in the world
with Turkey bridging these advanced markets. With such a superb
geographical location, a rapidly expanding economy and being one of
the largest countries in the world for agricultural production,
Turkey provides an essential placement for business development,
innovation and trade opportunities for the region. On the 7-9 May, Fi
Istanbul will provide the only platform for accessing this lucrative
food ingredients market for both international and local exhibitors,
as well as investors.

Making the most of this sell-out event are many leading
international market players such as Tate & Lyle, Roquette, DSM,
Univar, Barentz and Biospringer and leading Turkish exhibitors are
such as Altinmarka, Akdem and Maysa Gida. Also among the leading
Turkish companies attending is Aromsa; specialists in flavours, with
hallal certified cocoa extracts and a recently launched powder
flavour Camarome(R), which not only gives food a longer shelf life
but improves the stability of food products.

Natasha Berrow, Brand Director, Food ingredients Portfolio
provides her insight: "Our aim is to establish events where our
customers most need them. UBM is bringing together the food
ingredients professionals, contributing to the development of
healthier foods in the region. Along with our experience, this will
provide our customers with a unique opportunity to explore and
further develop into this truly exciting market."

In addition, Fi Istanbul is supported by the Association of Food
Additives and Ingredient Manufacturers (GIDAKAT), who are also
working alongside the Turkish Health Ministry to improve food
challenges by introducing innovative food ingredient solutions to

Fi Istanbul is part of the Food ingredients Portfolio strategy to
extend the Food ingredients brand into new regions, offering
exhibiting clients a platform to engage with new customers and
present their new business growth opportunities. With the key focus
on business development, innovation and trade, in a region with one
of the fastest economic growth rates in the world, Fi Istanbul is the
most cost-effective platform to source new ingredients, grow market
share and act as a stepping stone to this vastly untouched food

For food ingredient professionals, Fi Istanbul is a vital step to
building business potential, sourcing food ingredient innovations and
nurturing business networks.

To visit Fi Istanbul logon to:

About UBM Live

UBM Live [http://www.ubmlive.com ] connects people and creates
opportunities for companies across five continents to develop new
business, meet customers, launch new products, promote their brands
and expand their markets. Premier brands such as Fi Europe, CPhI,
Food ingredients, TFM&A, Fi South America, Fi Istanbul, the Concrete
Show and many others, UBM Live exhibitions, conferences, awards
programs, publications, websites and training and certification
programs are an integral part of the marketing plans of companies
across more than 20 industry sectors.

ots Originaltext: UBM Live
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

For further information regarding Fi Istanbul, please contact:
Borja Monreal Tames, Marketing Executive - Food ingredients Global,
Entree 73, Toren A, 1101 BH, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Tel:
+31-(0)20-40-99-566, borja.tames@ubm.com


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