
Philips Unveils a Vision for the Future of Cardiac Care at ESC 2011

Geschrieben am 28-08-2011

Paris (ots/PRNewswire) -

From 3D Simulated Heart Surgery and Digitized Patient Discharge
Planning, to the World's First Sleep Apnea Mobile App for
Cardiologists - Philips gets to the Heart of Innovation

Royal Philips Electronics will provide clinicians from across
the globe with a glimpse of future innovations designed to advance
cardiac care, including the current management of cardiovascular
disease (CVD) and associated cardiac conditions, during the 2011
Congress of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC), which opens
today in Paris.

Cardiovascular disease remains the main cause of death in the
European Union, claiming more than two million lives each year and
costing the economy more than EUR100 billion annually.[1]

"Philips has been a consistent game-changer in the area of health
care for almost 100 years, developing innovative and integrated
patient-focused solutions, including some of the earliest X-ray
technologies," commented Joris van den Hurk, general manager,
Cardiology Care Cycle, for Philips Healthcare. "At this year's ESC,
we want to highlight our vision of how future innovation will enable
care-givers to transform the way cardiovascular disease is managed at
each stage - from early detection and diagnosis, to hospital
treatment and health care at home, in order to reduce the burden of
cardiac disease for patients, doctors and society at large."


Solutions that will transform detection, diagnosis and treatment

This vision of future innovation is exemplified by the launch of
the world's first sleep apnea mobile application ("app") designed
specifically for cardiologists, and aiding early detection and
diagnosis amongst their patients. It's estimated that over 100
million people worldwide are suspected to have Obstructive Sleep
Apnea (OSA), of which more than 80 percent remain undiagnosed.[2]

OSA is particularly prevalent amongst people diagnosed with CVD
and heart failure, and if untreated can contribute to the development
of high blood pressure, diabetes, heart attack and stroke. The new
app, called Sleep & Cardio, aims to help expand cardiologists'
knowledge of sleep apnea and CVD, providing simple steps for
identifying patients who are at risk, a summary of existing
guidelines and access to the latest clinical information and

From diagnosis to treatment, Philips' commitment to the
advancement of CVD care is also being showcased at ESC in the area of
heart modeling[1]- technology that is in development and aims to
produce highly accurate and detailed models of a patient's heart
structure. Through ongoing research and development, the hope is that
this future technology can provide information to clinicians quickly;
to support them in planning and refining the execution of complex
interventions based on an individual's specific anatomy; and that it
can calculate the likelihood of a successful outcome while reducing
overall procedure time.

Addressing the human and economic costs of hospital readmission

At ESC, Philips will be showcasing an innovative new discharge
planning model and patient education system, currently being
developed in collaboration with Professor John Cleland, Head of the
Department of Cardiology, Castle Hill Hospital, Kingston-upon-Hull,
United Kingdom. This work is designed to address the burden of
hospital readmissions of heart failure patients. Approximately one in
four patients are currently readmitted to the hospital within 12
weeks of discharge, half of those within the first month, which
accounts for approximately 75% of all heart failure costs.[3]
Improved discharge planning, combined with better patient education,
may help to significantly reduce the number of readmissions each
year. And with the management of heart failure consuming
approximately 2.5 percent of the total health care budgets of
industrialized countries - the average length of a hospital stay is
11 days,[4] and the cost per patient in Europe can run into several
thousand euros for each hospitalization - the Philips discharge model
and education system has the potential to save health care providers
hundreds of millions of Euros each year.[5,6]

New product introductions designed to advance cardiac care

In addition to future innovations, Philips is also showcasing a
number of new devices at this year's ESC, designed to further advance
the management of CVD and associated conditions, in all stages of

For professional emergency responders,ESC will feature the highly
anticipated launch of HeartStart FR3 (not available for sale in the
U.S.**), the smallest and lightest[7] professional-grade automated
external defibrillator (AED) among leading global manufacturers. In
addition, IntelliVue MX40, a wearable patient monitor that can be
used for the monitoring of ambulatory patients and during patient
transport, will be showcased. Designed with infection control in
mind, the MX40 combines the benefits of the acclaimed IntelliVue X2
and Philips telemetry into a single, compact wearable monitor and
helps clinicians to better manage patient alerts.

Designed for use in the catherization lab, Philips is launching
the Xper Flex Cardio Physiomonitoring System. This system ushers in a
new era of hemodynamic assessment, offering seamless integration of
Fractional Flow Reserve (FFR) measurement and the power of 16-lead
ECGs to interventional environments, alongside patented ST Mapping
and Culprit Artery Detection. Using this system, physicians are able
to assess a patient's condition before and during the procedure,
saving valuable time and assisting with procedure planning.

In addition, Philips Heart Navigator allows clinicians to match a
3D image of the patient's cardiac anatomy with a live fluoroscopy
image to show the position of catheters and the heart valve in real
time, providing a procedure planning tool as well as live image
guidance during the actual heart valve replacement operations.

Philips is also showcasing the ClearVue (not yet available for
sale in the U.S.), a family of ultrasound solutions featuring
innovative technology, smart design and ease of use to make high
quality imaging available to a wider range of clinicians. The system
features proprietary Active Array technology, an innovative solution
that harnesses the power of larger ultrasound systems, enabling
superb 2D, color and Doppler image quality for increased diagnostic

And for the management and treatment of sleep apnea (particularly
prevalent in CVD patients), the BiPAP autoSV Advanced System One, a
new servo-ventilation device that not only effectively treats
patients with sleep apnea, but also provides improved real-time
access to data, including compliance and efficacy, helping clinicians
to assess future treatment.

"ESC provides us with the opportunity to highlight our continued
resolve to providing meaningful innovations that can help to address
the significant impact CVD has across the world," said van den Hurk.
"From the launch of new devices that improve patient monitoring and
tackle sleep apnea and cardiac arrest, to future innovation in heart
modeling and patient discharge planning, Philips is blazing a trail
in the current and future management of cardiac health."

Visit Philips' ESC 2011 booth number D450, located in the Zone C
at the Parc des Expositions exhibition area, Paris or visit

About Royal Philips Electronics

Royal Philips Electronics of the Netherlands is a diversified
health and well-being company, focused on improving people's lives
through timely innovations. As a world leader in health care,
lifestyle and lighting, Philips integrates technologies and design
into people-centric solutions, based on fundamental customer insights
and the brand promise of "sense and simplicity." Headquartered in the
Netherlands, Philips employs over 120,000 employees with sales and
services in more than 100 countries worldwide. With sales of EUR 22.3
billion in 2010, the company is a market leader in cardiac care,
acute care and home health care, energy efficient lighting solutions
and new lighting applications, as well as lifestyle products for
personal well-being and pleasure with strong leadership positions in
male shaving and grooming, portable entertainment and oral health
care. News from Philips is located at


1) Health-EU Portal. The Public Health Portal of the European
. Last accessed August 2011
2) Global Sleep Apnea Diagnostic and Therapeutic Devices Market
Projected to Reach U.S. 5.8 Billion by 2015, According to New Report by
Global Industry Analysts, Nov. 2010
3) Cleland JG, Swedberg K, Follath F et al. The EuroHeart Failure
survey programme - a survey on the quality of care among patients with
heart failure in Europe. Part 1: Patient characteristics and diagnosis.
Eur Heart J 2003; 24(5):442-463
4) Cleland JG, Swedberg K, Cohen-Solal A et al. The Euro Heart
Failure Survey of the EUROHEART survey programme. A survey on the
quality of care among patients with heart failure in Europe. The Study
Group on Diagnosis of the Working Group on Heart Failure of the European
Society of Cardiology. The Medicines Evaluation Group Centre for Health
Economics University of York. Eur J Heart Fail 2000; 2:123-132
5) SHAPE (Study on Heart failure Awareness and Perception in
Europe). http://www.heartfailure-europe.com/index1.php?item=273.
Last accessed August 2011
6) Bundkirchen
[http://eurheartjsupp.oxfordjournals.org/search?author1=Andreas+Bundkirchen&sortspec=date&submit=Submit ]
A, Schwinger R. Epidemiology and
economic burden of chronic heart failure. Eur Heart J Suppl 2004; 6
(suppl D): D57-D60
7) Data on file with Philips Healthcare

* Heart Modeling is a topic of ongoing research for Philips, and
as such, its use in planning and refining complex interventions based
on an individual's specific anatomy, may or may not be realized as a
product and brought to market.

** The HeartStart FR3 is not currently available for sale in the
USA and requires a prescription and medical direction.

ots Originaltext: Royal Philips Electronics
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

For media inquiries, please contact: Caroline Kamerbeek, Philips
Healthcare Communications, Tel: +31(0)6-53-652-831, E-mail:
caroline.kamerbeek@philips.com .


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