
EANS-News: Wienerberger AG: Successful 2nd round of Employee Participation Program

Geschrieben am 29-04-2020


Company Information

Vienna - April 29, 2020

The Wienerberger Group successfully concluded the second round of its Employee Participation Program. Of the 4,400 employees in Austria, Great Britain, the Netherlands and the Czech Republic eligible to participate in the program, up to a quarter used the opportunity to invest in Wienerberger. The total volume invested came to over EUR 2.3 million, the average investment per employee amounting to more than EUR 3,300.

"The high rate of participation is a clear signal of strength, especially in times like these, with all of us severely affected by the crisis. It shows that our employees believe in the future of Wienerberger", says Wienerberger CEO Heimo Scheuch, commenting on the successful second round of the Employee Participation Program, and adds, "We are convinced that we have the right strategy to come out of this crisis stronger. As co-owners, our employees will benefit in the long term, just like all other shareholders".

Wienerberger is one of the companies in Austria that offer their employees the opportunity to invest in the company through an employee participation program managed by a private foundation. In the second round, employees in Great Britain, the Netherlands and the Czech Republic were able to participate in the program for the first time. Given its extraordinary success, Wienerberger intends to roll out the program to additional countries. The next offer period of the program will start in 2021.

Wienerberger Group The Wienerberger Group is a leading international provider of smart solutions for the entire building envelope and for infrastructure. Wienerberger is the world's largest producer of bricks (Porotherm, Terca) and the market leader in clay roof tiles (Koramic, Tondach) in Europe as well as concrete pavers (Semmelrock) in Central and Eastern Europe. In pipe systems (Steinzeug-Keramo ceramic pipes and Pipelife plastic pipes), the company is one of the leading suppliers in Europe. With its total of 201 production sites, the Wienerberger Group generated revenues of EUR 3.5 billion and EBITDA LFL of EUR 587 million in 2019.

Wienerberger AG is a pure free float company, whereby the majority of shares are held by Austrian and international institutional investors. Additional information on the shareholder structure is provided under https:// wienerberger.com/en/investors/share

Further inquiry note: Claudia Hajdinyak, Head of Corporate Communications Wienerberger AG t +43 664 828 31 83 | claudia.hajdinyak@wienerberger.com

Anna Maria Grausgruber, Head of Investor Relations Wienerberger AG t +43 1 601 92 - 10221 | investor@wienerberger.com

end of announcement euro adhoc --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

issuer: Wienerberger AG Wienerbergerplatz 1 A-1100 Wien phone: +43 1 60 192-0 FAX: +43 1 60 192-10159 mail: office@wienerberger.com WWW: www.wienerberger.com ISIN: AT0000831706 indexes: ATX stockmarkets: Wien language: English

Additional content: https://www.presseportal.de/pm/51390/4583673 OTS: Wienerberger AG ISIN: AT0000831706

Original-Content von: Wienerberger AG, übermittelt durch news aktuell


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