
Caresyntax forges partnership with Barco to accelerate global demand and innovation (FOTO)

Geschrieben am 10-04-2019

Berlin (ots) -

Caresyntax, a pioneering provider of surgical automation,
analytics, and AI software and technologies announced today a
strategic partnership with Barco Healthcare to accelerate both the
development and delivery of caresyntax surgical intelligence
technologies worldwide. The alliance is underscored by Barco's
participation in the company's growth financing round. Together with
Barco - maker of the market-leading Nexxis integrated digital O.R.
hardware platform - caresyntax aims to make surgery smarter and safer
by delivering a fully-integrated and automated surgical ecosystem at
global scale.

Enhanced global enablement and deployment capabilities

"We are thrilled to be joining forces with Barco," said caresyntax
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Dennis Kogan. "Together, we will
be able to significantly enhance modularity and scalability of our
software platform, as well as provide the necessary hardware
infrastructure, at a top-notch level of quality, service and
deployment." Thanks to Barco's global hardware delivery and servicing
infrastructure, caresyntax can solidify its reach into new markets
and extend its capabilities of addressing complex business and
clinical problems of large enterprise clients among integrated
healthcare delivery networks, as well as multinational medical device
vendors and healthcare improvement companies.

Barco hardware and video management solutions offer faultless
signal and data connectivity, providing a critical foundation for
caresyntax software and advanced analytics applications. The
portfolio synergy will aid both companies in meeting the rising
global demand for surgical intelligence applications. In addition,
Barco and caresyntax technologies will maintain the massive benefit
of full vendor-neutrality with respect to device and IT systems
integration, further bolstering value and future proof status of its
surgical data connectivity, aggregation, and analytics solutions.

Cutting-edge developments in surgical automation and AI

Of equal significance to global reach, the partnership also
entails a research and development component which will boost both
partners' solution portfolios. "This strategic partnership is an
important step in extending the Nexxis value proposition to include
workflow and analytics services," says Filip Pintelon, General
Manager Healthcare at Barco. "In conjunction with caresyntax, we aim
to develop the first, true surgical operating system. Building a
joint roadmap will lead to an acceleration of the necessary hardware
and software components to realize this vision." Both Barco and
caresyntax are increasing focus on cutting-edge AI applications, and
the companies will leverage their respective expertise to realize new
and truly intelligent product developments, harnessing machine
learning, vision and natural language processing. These new
applications will make a strong contribution to improving patient
safety and quality nd cost of outcomes in surgery.

About caresyntax

Caresyntax utilizes its proprietary, best-of-class workflow
automation and data warehousing platforms to design software
applications that support surgical vendors, healthcare improvement
companies and caregivers in identifying and managing risk, automating
workflows, enhancing knowledge sharing, and reducing surgical
variability. Converging IoT technology and surgical analytics, the
caresyntax platform is used in more than 6,300 operating rooms
worldwide, transforming unstructured clinical and operational data
into actionable, real-time insights. Clinical teams, as a result,
enhance clinical performance, control surgical variation, and improve
patient outcomes. The company was founded in 2013 and headquartered
in Berlin (Germany). Its team of 115 people is located in Boston,
Berlin, and other regional offices.

About Barco

Barco designs technology to enable bright outcomes around the
world. Seeing beyond the image, we develop visualization and
collaboration solutions to help you work together, share insights,
and wow audiences. Our focus is on three core markets: Enterprise
(from meeting and control rooms to corporate spaces), Healthcare
(from the radiology department to the operating room), and
Entertainment (from movie theaters to live events and attractions).

Media Contact:
Luke Walker, Director of Global Marketing Communications
Caresyntax Corporation
T: 0049 1520 9386 794
E: luke.walker@caresyntax.com

Original-Content von: caresyntax, übermittelt durch news aktuell


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