
AuRico Metals Announces Closing of Acquisition of Royalties on Hemlo and Eagle River Mines

Geschrieben am 18-09-2015

Toronto (ots/PRNewswire) -

AuRico Metals Inc. , ("AuRico" or the "Company") is pleased to
announce the closing of the previously announced acquisition of
Mineral Streams Inc. ("Mineral Streams") , a private company owning a
0.25% NSR royalty on the Williams mine at Barrick Gold Corporation's
("Barrick") Hemlo complex, a 0.5% NSR royalty on Wesdome Gold Mines
Ltd.'s Eagle River mine, and a 1.5% NSR royalty on Barrick's David
Bell property, which also forms part of the Hemlo complex.

Upon closing, all of the issued and outstanding shares of Mineral
Streams were acquired in exchange for 4,753,950 shares of AuRico and
C$3,425,000 in cash. The assets acquired from Mineral Streams include
positive working capital of approximately C$1 million and the
acquired royalties are anticipated to generate approximately C$1
million per year in royalty income assuming current metal prices and
assuming production levels consistent with recent performance at the
underlying operations.

Following completion of the acquisition, the Company has
130,873,950 shares issued and outstanding listed on the Toronto Stock

About AuRico Metals 

AuRico Metals is a mining royalty and development company whose
royalty assets include a 1.5% NSR on the Young-Davidson Gold Mine, a
0.25% NSR on the Williams mine at Hemlo, and a 0.5% NSR on the Eagle
River mine - all located in Ontario, Canada. AuRico Metals also has a
2% NSR on the Fosterville Mine, located in Victoria, Australia, and
100% ownership of the advanced Kemess Project in British Columbia,
Canada. AuRico Metals' goal is to deliver sustained value creation
for the company's many stakeholders. AuRico Metals' head office is
located in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Cautionary Statement 

This press release contains forward-looking statements and
forward-looking information as defined under Canadian and U.S.
securities laws. All statements, other than statements of historical
fact, are forward-looking statements. The words "expect", "believe",
"anticipate", "will", "intend", "estimate", "forecast", "budget" and
similar expressions identify forward-looking statements.
Forward-looking statements include information as to strategy, plans
or future financial or operating performance, such as the Company's
expansion plans, project timelines, production plans, projected cash
flows or capital expenditures, cost estimates, projected exploration
results, reserve and resource estimates and other statements that
express management's expectations or estimates of future performance.
Forward-looking statements are necessarily based upon a number of
factors and assumptions that, while considered reasonable by
management, are inherently subject to significant uncertainties and
contingencies. Known and unknown factors could cause actual results
to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking
statements, including: uncertainty of production and cost estimates;
fluctuations in the price of gold and foreign exchange rates; the
uncertainty of replacing depleted reserves and the possible
recalculation or reduction of reserves and resources; the risk that
the Young-Davidson shaft will not perform as planned; the risk that
mining operations do not meet expectations; the risk that projects
will not be developed according to budgets or timelines, changes in
laws in Canada, Australia and other jurisdictions in which the
Company may carry on business; risks of obtaining necessary licenses,
permits or approvals for operations or projects such as Kemess;
disputes over title to properties; the speculative nature of mineral
exploration and development; compliance risks with respect to current
and future environmental regulations; disruptions affecting
operations; opportunities that may be pursued by the Company;
employee relations; availability and costs of mining inputs and
labor; the ability to secure capital to execute business plans;
volatility of the Company's share price; the effect of future
financings; litigation; risk of loss due to sabotage and civil
disturbances; the values of assets and liabilities based on projected
future cash flows; risks arising from derivative instruments or the
absence of hedging; adequacy of internal control over financial
reporting; changes in credit rating; risks related to the operation
of the properties in which AuRico Metals holds a royalty; and the
impact of inflation. Actual results and developments are likely to
differ, and may differ materially, from those expressed or implied
by the forward-looking statements contained herein. Such statements
are based on a number of assumptions which may prove to be incorrect,
including assumptions about: business and economic conditions;
commodity prices and the price of key inputs such as labour, fuel and
electricity; credit market conditions and conditions in financial
markets generally; the ongoing operation of the properties in which
AuRico Metals holds a royalty by the operators of such underlying
properties; revenue and cash flow estimates, production levels,
development schedules and the associated costs; ability to procure
equipment and supplies and ability to do so on a timely basis; the
timing of the receipt of permits and other approvals for projects and
operations; the ability to attract and retain skilled employees and
contractors for the operations; the accuracy of reserve and resource
estimates; the impact of changes in currency exchange rates on costs
and results; interest rates; taxation; and ongoing relations with
employees and business partners. However, there can be no assurance
that forward looking statements will prove to be accurate, as actual
results and future events could differ materially from those
anticipated in such statements and investors are cautioned that
forward looking statements are not guarantees of future performance.
AuRico Metals cannot assure investors that actual results will be
consistent with these forward looking statements. Accordingly,
investors should not place undue reliance on forward looking
statements due to the inherent uncertainty therein. The Company
disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any
forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information,
future events or otherwise, except as required by applicable law.

Please see http://www.auricometals.ca or contact: Chris Richter,
President and Chief Executive Officer, AuRico Metals Inc.,
416-216-2780, chris.richter@auricometals.ca; Rob Chausse, Chief
Financial Officer, AuRico Metals Inc., 416-216-2780,

ots Originaltext: AuRico Metals Inc.
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de


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