
Isolux Corsán Increases its Backlog by 13% to EUR6.9 bn in the First Quarter

Geschrieben am 28-05-2014

Madrid (ots/PRNewswire) -

- 85% of the company's revenues now come from outside Spain, increasing the
weight of international business by 13 points against the same quarter of the previous
- New orders have also grown significantly, standing at EUR814, up 21% against
Q1 2013.
- The increase in the EBITDA margin at 6.6% as compared with 6.2% in Q1 last
year reflected better management efficiency
- Isolux Corsan has signed contracts in countries with economic growth potential
and investment capacity, particularly the first contract it won in the oil & gas
industry in Saudi Arabia

Since January 2014 the Company has brought its accounts into line
with the changes in International Financial Reporting Standards
(IFRS), and specifically in IFRS 11. Thus, the Company now
consolidates Isolux Infrastructure using the equity method rather
than the proportional integration it used before. The change in the
way this business is recorded has a relevant impact on the Group's
consolidated accounts.

In the first quarter of the year, the Isolux Corsan Group has
achieved a backlog of EUR6.9 bn. This is up 13% against the same
period of 2013.

The Company's revenues stood at EUR436m, of which 85% came from
outside Spain (72% in 2013), above all from strategic areas such as
Asia and Latin America. This is a 13 point increase over the
percentage of international business.

The Group has also achieved a very significant increase in its new
orders during this period. It brought in EUR814m, 21% more than in Q1

This enabled Isolux Corsan to obtain an EBITDA of EUR29m,
increasing the margin from 6.2%, in Q1 last year, to 6.6% reflected
better management efficiency.

Projects consolidating international business and opening new

During the first quarter, Isolux Corsan has signed contracts in
countries with economic growth potential and investment capacity. One
such milestone was the award of the company's first Oil&Gas project
in Saudi Arabia. This contract has made it possible to formalize a
strategic alliance in the country to develop major EPC projects in
the Oil& Gas and petrochemicals sectors.

The year has started well, although the seasonality in the
business cycle of this sector means Q1 has less weight in the
year-end figures. Isolux Corsan has won its first project in the USA
toll-road sector, signing a EUR230m contract for the design,
construction, finance, operation and maintenance of Section 5 of
Highway I-69 in the State of Indiana.

Moreover, the project to build and operate 1,600 km of
high-voltage transmission lines and 5 substations in Uttar Pradesh,
India, will be entering its key construction stage in the next
quarters, which will impact increasing revenues.

About Isolux Corsan

Isolux Corsan Group is a global benchmark in energy, concessions,
construction and maintenance of major infrastructure and operates in
over 40 countries on four continents. The construction of transport,
railway, airport, maritime, and hydraulic infrastructure and
residential and non-residential buildings are the main growth drivers
of the company. In the energy sector, Isolux Corsan is one of the
leading operators in the world in energy T&D installation and
maintenance, one of the largest builders of EPC projects in the solar
photovoltaic industry, and occupies an important position among large
builders of power plants under EPC contracts. In addition, the Group
manages more than 23,500 parking spaces under concession in Spain.
Isolux Corsan manages, through its subsidiary Isolux Infrastructure,
concessions for 5,959 km of transmission lines in Brazil, India and
the U.S., 1,643 km of highways in India, Brazil, Mexico and Spain and
promotes and manages 326 MWp of solar PV power plants in Spain, the
U.S., India, Italy, Peru, Mexico, Puerto Rico and Japan.

Press contact: Macarena Ramirez, mramirez@isoluxCorsan.com

ots Originaltext: Isolux Corsan
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

Macarena Ramírez (+34-91-449-30-00) is for media only


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