
Baselworld 2014 opening ceremony Federal Councillor Ueli Maurer opens the world's most important exhibition for watches and jewellery, Baselworld 2014, in Basel

Geschrieben am 27-03-2014

Basel, Switzerland (ots) - Baselworld 2014 is the event of the
year for the watchmaking and jewellery industry. Today, at precisely
11:00, the Baselworld show was opened by Federal Councillor Ueli
Maurer, Member of the Cantonal Council of Basel- Stadt Christoph
Brutschin and prominent representatives from the watchmaking and
jewellery industry. Around 100,000 visitors and over 3,500
journalists from all over the world are expected to attend this
year's event. This year, just like every other year, there are many
highlights at Baselworld. With their luxurious and sometimes
spectacular presentations, the 1,400 exhibitors will ensure that
their pavilions showcase highlights every day, almost round the
clock. Baselworld 2014, which is also open to the general public,
runs from 27 March to 3 April 2014.

Over the years, Baselworld has evolved into a superlative event.
For the watchmaking and jewellery industry, Baselworld has become an
indispensable platform for the latest products and innovations. The
pavilions, which were specially designed for the event, are
exceptionally elegant and convey to visitors the luxurious and
perfectionist world of the watch and jewellery brands. For the media,
too, Baselworld has become a key date in the calendar in recent
decades. Baselworld is regularly attended by over 3,500 accredited
journalists from almost every country in the world.

Federal Councillor Maurer praises the Swiss watchmaking industry

In a lively and interesting address before around 400 guests from
the worlds of politics and business, Federal Councillor Maurer
praised Baselworld as a contemporary continuation of an ancient
cultural tradition as well as a modern interpretation of the eternal
human enjoyment of the arts and beauty.

He was proud and delighted to open such a significant show in
Switzerland, saying it was proof of the country's attractiveness. As
an independent country, Switzerland is in a position to find its own
customised solutions, and it is this independence and the associated
free-state political order that has enabled our great prosperity.
Another key prerequisite for the unabated attractiveness of
Switzerland, said Mr Maurer, is its national defence which enables
the long-term stable and safe conditions within which the population
as well as the economy can flourish freely.

Basel wouldn't be the same without Baselworld

"Basel without Baselworld is something I simply can't imagine",
said Basel-Stadt Cantonal Council Member, Christoph Brutschin.
Baselworld, with its decades of history, has become an integral part
of Basel. Business, culture and society in Basel and the surrounding
area also benefit from this event, with its enormous international
standing. "Baselworld has been and continues to be a positive and
effective showcase for our city and the region", stressed Mr

Lifestyle sector on the rise

Baselworld is in turn expecting a trend towards lifestyle at its
2014 show. Over the last decade, watch and jewellery brands have
become an important barometer for the lifestyle sector. Even fashion
designers, industry designers and marketing experts from a highly
diverse range of industries are increasingly finding inspiration at
this superlative event. The pavilions and presentations are often
designed and staged by world-famous architects. Celebrities from all
over the world stroll through the exhibition's over 30 kilometres of
extensive walkways. As for what makes Baselworld so appealing, Sylvie
Ritter, its Managing Director, summed it up by saying: "We have an
outstanding product with the world's most prominent brands under one

Industry appears optimistic

The president of the exhibitors' committee, Jacques J. Duchêne,
seems optimistic with regard to the future of the sector. "We are
generally in a good position as an industry and have the forward-
looking markets clearly in our sights", he says. Baselworld is
traditionally an important meeting point for the industry. Buyers of
watches and jewellery, the most prominent brands and a perfectly
developed infrastructure are all to be found in Basel. "And what's
more - nowhere else in the world will you find the most important
watch brands, jewellery and precious stones under one roof", adds Mr

Baselworld Media Service
+41 58 206 22 64


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