
EANS-Adhoc: S&T AG increases its profitability - Consolidated Group income rises to Euro 2.0 million (previous year: Euro 0.7 million) - Revenues remain stable at Euro 76.9 million (previous y

Geschrieben am 27-05-2013

ad-hoc disclosure pursuant to section 15 of the WpHG transmitted by euro
adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide distribution. The issuer is solely
responsible for the content of this announcement.

other/3-month report

Linz, 27.05.2013. Setting forth its track record of success, S&T AG
(www.snt.at) achieved in the first quarter of 2013 the objectives
that it had established for itself. Its revenues of Euro 76.9 million
enabled it to nearly attain the results of 2012's first quarter, even
though the last quarter in 2012 constituted an all-time revenues
record. The growth turned in by the Products segments largely
accounted for the revenues registered. Cost cuts caused consolidated
Group income to rise to Euro 2.0 million - up from the previous
year's Euro 0.7 million (after restatement).

The rise in profitability was primarily attributable to the good
development in business experienced by the Appliances segment, whose
revenues in the first quarter of 2013 came to Euro 9.3 million
(previous year: Euro 9.9 million) and turned in a very strong rise in
profits, which amounted to Euro 1.5 million (previous year: Euro 1.3
million). The Products segment's revenues rose substantially, going
from 2012's Euro 16.5 million to this year's Euro 22.0 million. This
was offset by a drop in the business done by the Services segment,
whose revenues went from Euro 51.7 million to Euro 45.6 million. This
was caused by the focus on concluding profitable transactions.

The costs cut and the initial synergies arising from the merger
manifested themselves in the positive development of profits. The
company's EBITA amounted to Euro 3.1 million (2012: Euro 2.1
million). Consolidated Group income came in the first quarter of 2013
to Euro 2.0 million (2012: Euro 0.7 million). This enabled the
fulfillment of the expectations placed by the company's management,
with this fulfillment also applying to the objective of consolidated
income of Euro 12 million set for the year as a whole. For the
shareholders of S&T AG, the results achieved in the quarter - the
first subsequent to the merger - translate into earnings per share of
5 cents (2012: 3 cents).

The liquidity situation remained stable. Overcoming seasonal
influences and the pursuing of investments in the Appliances segment,
liquid funds stayed high at Euro 24.7 million (31.122012: Euro 29.9
million). Loans from banks remained nearly unchanged at Euro 45.6
million (31.12.2012: Euro 44.8 million). The Group's equity came to
Euro 65.8 million (31.12.2012: Euro 64.0 million), of which Euro 63.5
million (31.12.2012: Euro 61.8 million) was attributable to
shareholders of S&T AG. This caused the company's equity rate to rise
from 30% as of the end of 2012 to 35% as of the end of the first
quarter of 2013.

The management expects the Group to achieve in the current financial
year of 2013 a 25% rise in Group consolidated income, which will come
to Euro 12 million. The development of business in the first quarter
and the large profits achieved in the Appliances segment buttress
these expectations.

Briefing on S&T AG: S&T AG (ISIN AT0000A0E9W5, WKN A0X9EJ, SANT),
formerly Quanmax AG, is listed on the Prime Standard market of the
Frankfurt Stock Exchange. The company has 1,500 employees, and
maintains offices in 19 countries in Central and Eastern Europe. This
makes S&T of the three largest providers of IT systems in the region.
S&T's assets include the breadth of its portfolio of products and
proprietary technologies. This portfolio is offered through Central
and Eastern Europe.

Further inquiry note:
ir@snt.at; +437327664150;

end of announcement euro adhoc

issuer: S&T AG
Industriezeile 35
A-4021 Linz
phone: +43(732)7664-0
FAX: +43(732)7664-801
mail: ir@snt.at
WWW: www.snt.at
sector: Computing & Information Technology
ISIN: AT0000A0E9W5
stockmarkets: regulated dealing/prime standard: Frankfurt
language: English


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