
DGAP-Adhoc: YOC AG announces preliminary key figures for 2012 financial year and forecast / Loss of half of the share capital / Restructuring process is being actively pursued

Geschrieben am 11-04-2013

YOC AG / Key word(s): Preliminary Results

11.04.2013 18:08

Dissemination of an Ad hoc announcement according to § 15 WpHG, transmitted
by DGAP - a company of EquityStory AG.
The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.


According to preliminary calculations, YOC AG (ISIN DE0005932735) has
generated revenue for the Group pursuant to IFRS in the amount of EUR 34.6
million in the 2012 financial year compared to EUR 32.1 million the
previous year, with consolidated sales and operating revenue of EUR 36.6
million compared to EUR 33.8 million the previous year. EBITDA amounted to
EUR -3.2 million (previous year: EUR -3.0 million). Amortisations in the
amount of EUR 7.2 million compared to EUR 6.4 million the previous year led
to an operating result totalling EUR -10.4 million (2011: EUR -9.4
million). These include both amortisations in the amount of EUR 1.5 million
and write-downs in the amount of EUR 5.7 million, which resulted from
impairments of goodwill as well as software developed by the Group,
trademarks and client relationships.

The Management Board also announces the loss of over half of the share
capital. As per Section 92 paragraph 1 of the German Stock Corporation Act
(AktG), this legally requires the company to hold a general meeting of
shareholders as soon as possible. YOC AG plans to convene the 2013 annual
general meeting of shareholders shortly and will include this notice of the
loss of share capital in its agenda for the meeting. Another item on the
agenda will be creating new authorised capital.

YOC AG has experienced a good start to the 2013 financial year, given this
difficult initial situation. The Management Board expects an increase in
revenues by at least 25% and a sustainable improvement in earnings. The
restructuring process initiated by CEO Dirk Freytag has already yielded
initial positive results and will continue to be actively pursued. In this
respect, YOC AG is also evaluating short-term financing options.
Furthermore, the divestment of Sevenval in the Mobile Technology segment
also continues to be pursued.

The 2012 annual report including the finalised figures for the 4th quarter
of 2012 as well as the entire 2012 financial year will be published on 30
April 2013. YOC AG invites you to attend the annual financial press
conference on that date in Berlin.

This ad-hoc announcement constitutes neither an offer to sell nor a
solicitation to buy securities. The information in this announcement is
neither intended for transmission to the United States of America (USA) nor
for use within the USA (including its territories and possessions, any
State of the United States, and the District of Columbia) and may not be
distributed or passed on to U.S. persons (as defined in Regulation S of the
U.S. Securities Act of 1933 as amended) or publications with a general
circulation in the USA. This announcement constitutes neither an offering
nor a solicitation to buy securities in the USA. The securities of YOC AG
are not registered and will not be registered in accordance with the
provisions in the Securities Act and may not be sold, offered or delivered
in the USA or to a U.S. person without prior registration or exemption from
the registration requirements. No public offering will be made for
securities in the USA.
This ad hoc announcement contains statements regarding future developments
that are based on current evaluations and are made to the best knowledge of
the management of YOC AG. Such statements with regard to future
developments are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and
other factors that could cause the profit situation, profitability, value
development or the performance of YOC AG to diverge from the profit
situation, profitability, value development or performance that are
expressly or implicitly assumed or described in the statements concerned.
In view of the risks and uncertainties and other factors, readers of this
ad hoc announcement should not rely on such statements to a
disproportionate extent. YOC AG has no obligation to act in keeping with
such statements regarding future developments or to alter its actions to
accommodate future events and developments.

For additional information on the company go to www.yoc.com


Language: English
Company: YOC AG
Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 1
10178 Berlin
Phone: +49 (0)30-72 61 62 205
Fax: +49 (0)30-72 61 62 222
E-mail: christina.vongrauvogl@yoc.com
Internet: www.yoc.com
ISIN: DE0005932735
WKN: 593273
Listed: Regulierter Markt in Frankfurt (Prime Standard); Freiverkehr
in Berlin, Düsseldorf, München, Stuttgart

End of Announcement DGAP News-Service



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