
Europe's 500 Top Growth Companies / Relaunching Growth While Consolidating

Geschrieben am 24-03-2013

Brussels (ots) - Europe's 500, the European association for growth
and entrepreneurship, held its annual conference in the European
Parliament at Brussels on March 21, 2013 and published the new top
growth companies. Since 1997 Europe's 500 promotes growth through
more entrepreneurship in Europe and discussed European framework for
growth and jobs with the representatives of the European Commission
and European Parliament.

Among others Klaus Regling, Managing Director of the European
Stability Mechanism, ESM, Dr. Frank Hoffmeister, Deputy Head of
Cabinet, DG for Trade, Ingo Friedrich, former Vice-President of the
European Parliament and President of the European Economic Senate,
Markus Ferber, Member of the European Parliament and of the Economic
and Monetary Affairs Committee (ECON) and top representatives of The
Boston Consulting Group, Antonella Mei-Pochtler, Blackstone Group
International, Gerry Murphy, Ernst & Young, Andrea Vogel, as well as
from D&B, Tony Reilly, and UBS, Chief Economist Dr. Andreas Höfert,
presented the views on what is needed to reassume growth in Europe

The major requests for improving Europe's competitiveness were:

1. Improve credits for the real economy by temporarily providing
equity reinforcing loans to the commercial banks in order to
compensate Basel III restrictions.

2. A restructuring of Cyprus must not cause any doubt about the
safety of bank deposits in any European state.

3. Even Europe is well positioned for exports by differentiation,
it is not enough and Europe's 500 requests clear improvements
in export financing, especially towards the emerging markets.
Chinese competition is not only in pricing, but also in

4. Bilateral trade agreements are welcomed and an integration of
social ecologic standards into the trade agreements can foster
growth, quality and prosperity.

5. Glass-Steagall should redefine the distinction of investment
and commercial banks. Europe's 500 recommends that : ECB funded
government bonds on bank balance sheets should be separated
into another entity from the commercial banks in order not to
adversely impact the real economy with governmental monetary
measures. Commercial bank managers need to refocus on profits
with midsize companies without these indirect subsidies from
risk free government bond margins.

Europe's 500 Awards

The new president of Europe's 500, Gabriel Masfurroll, presented
the new winners emerged from the Europe's 500 list in 2012 and handed
over the award certificates together with Ingo Friedrich, former
Vice-President of the European Parliament.

Among the winners are promising hidden champions like Softonic
(Spain), SIGMA Pharmaceuticals (UK), Olisipo (Portugal), Mega Sprint
Guard (Greece).

D&B identified the list of the top growth companies based on their
European wide data base of about more than 20 mio. companies. The
IESE Business School supports the association by research on
entrepreneurship and success factors. Approximately, 50.000 new jobs
were generated by Europe's 500 companies per year.

Companies from Italy, Spain and Greece have shown surprisingly
strong growth. Also Klaus Regling reported on significant progress
made by the Southern European states as a consequence of the
conditionalities of the ESM funding. Progress in resolving the Euro
crisis is removing important uncertainties for investors, consumers,
banks and financial markets, thus supporting growth in Europe. Re-
establishing confidence is to be understood as the primary goal,
"however, the time is mature", according to Martin Schoeller,
Europe's 500 Policy Committee, "to restart growth policy also
considering the Europe's 500 suggestions".

About Europe's 500

Europe's 500 is the European organisation and networking
platform for growth companies and their entrepreneurs. The
organization, founded in 1996, represents more than 2,300 growth
companies from across Europe, with the common goal of contributing
to growth and more employment in Europe and promoting
entrepreneurship. Europe's 500 does not see itself as representing
interests in the classic sense, but rather as an NGO, offering its
know-how and expertise for the collective good. Europe's 500
together with its partner IESE publish the list of the top growth
companies in Europe and organise its annual conference "The
European Growth Summit" for the European growth entrepreneurs.

Europe's 500
Martin Schöller
Tel.: 089 / 55277100
E-Mail: martin.schoeller@schoeller.org


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