
EANS-Adhoc: Palfinger AG / Financial Figures Q3

Geschrieben am 05-11-2009

ad-hoc disclosure transmitted by euro adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide
distribution. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this

9-month report


PALFINGER defied the continuously weak environment in the first three
quarters 2009 by optimising costs

* Revenue continued to decline, but earnings have improved in the
course of the year * Since mid-year relevant markets have
bottomed out * Uninterrupted market expansion continues to be a

|in million EUR |Q1-Q3 2009 |% |Q1-Q3 2008|Q1-Q3 2007|
|Revenue |387.9 |(36.1%) |607.2 |504.6 |
|EBITDA |9.8 |(89.2%) |90.3 |84.0 |
|EBIT |(6.3) |- |74.7 |73.3 |
|EBIT margin |(1.6%) |- |12.3% |14.5% |

Bergheim, Salzburg, 5 November 2009

The performance of the PALFINGER Group during the first three
quarters 2009 was marked by the extremely weak economic
environment. Compared to the record results achieved in the
previous years the Company posted a massive decline in revenues and
earnings. However, while revenue was on the decline, its early
reaction and adjustment to the changed framework conditions enabled
PALFINGER to achieve a significant improvement of earnings from
quarter to quarter, which was even continued in the weaker season of
the third quarter. At EUR 387.9 million, revenue generated in the
first three quarters 2009 was 36.1 percent lower than the
previous year´s figure of EUR 607.2 million. The WUMAG ELEVANT
and Omaha Standard groups, which were consolidated in the second
half 2008, contributed only just under EUR 55 million to this
revenue. Despite this slump in revenue a positive EBITDA of EUR 9.8
million (Jan-Sep 2008: EUR 90.3 million) was achieved thanks
to PALFINGER´s cost-savings policies. However, at EUR - 6.3
million EBIT for the first three quarters 2009 was negative.
A look at the performance of the individual quarters clearly
shows that PALFINGER has been able to optimise its costs in the
course of the year, although revenue continued to decline. While
revenue in the third quarter 2009 decreased further, which, amongst
other factors, was also caused by the company holiday in August,
EBITDA and EBIT improved continuously. This pleasing
development, in particular as compared to other companies in this
industry, highlights the strength of the PALFINGER Group. As an
early-cycle company PALFINGER perceives fluctuations in the
economic cycle - be they positive or negative - even at a very
early stage. The bottoming out of the relevant markets that already
became clear in the first half 2009 was confirmed in the past few
months; demand stabilised at a low level. Management expects
that the implementation of the infrastructure projects
announced and/or agreed upon all over the world will entail
clear impulses. The cost-cutting measures that are now increasingly
showing effect are expected to extend the gradual improvement of
results into the fourth quarter 2009. Due to the current low
visibility, no reliable forecasts can be made for 2010.
However, on the basis of current estimates, Management expects
earnings and revenues to pick up.

end of announcement euro adhoc

ots Originaltext: Palfinger Holding AG
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

Further inquiry note:

Hannes Roither, PALFINGER AG

Company spokesperson

Phone +43 662 46 84-2260


Branche: Machine Manufacturing
ISIN: AT0000758305
WKN: 919964
Index: ATX, Prime.market
Börsen: Wien / official market


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