
Exoskeleton made of carbon fiber: Technology leader German Bionic unveils new power suit (FOTO)

Geschrieben am 15-06-2020

Augsburg (ots) - The world leader in the development of robotic exoskeletons, German Bionic, presents the latest generation of its smart power suit. Made of ultra-light carbon fiber, the 4th generation Cray X supports workers when lifting heavy loads of up to 28 kg by actively amplifying their movements and thus protecting the lower back from excessive strain. With its integrated cloud interface, it easily connects to the industrial Internet of Things and the Smart Factory. The flexible Robotics-as-a-Service pricing model makes the Cray X affordable for every company, from small trade workshops to the largest corporations. Furthermore, by deploying the Cray X, companies also save costs by significantly reducing the risk of injury and the associated expenses of employee absenteeism.

"With the 4th generation of our connected Cray X robotic exoskeleton, we are once again setting the standards for the entire exoskeleton industry worldwide," says Armin G. Schmidt, CEO of German Bionic. "Particularly system-relevant industries, such as logistics and freight, which have been under enormous pressure since the beginning of the pandemic, can now strengthen their employees backs with our new devices."

Four Cray X USPs: Lighter, smarter, more powerful and flexibly financeable

Carbon fibre frame: Carbon fiber is widely known from its use for high-tech applications in the aerospace industry and Formula 1 racing. It is significantly stronger than steel yet is just a fraction of its weight. With the introduction of this cutting-edge material to the production process of the all-new Cray X - it is now not only much stronger, but also considerably lighter.

Industrial IoT as standard: The Cray X provides much more than just powerful lifting support. Automatic OTA software updates and predictive maintenance ensure maximum availability. By means of standard APIs the intelligent power suit can be easily connected to any Smart Factory ecosystem and thus helps to boost productivity as well as the health and safety

More powerful: With its dual high-performance servo motors capable of offsetting weights of up to 28 kg, the new Cray X actively supports the lifting of heavy loads - for up to 8 hours with a single, quickly exchangeable standard battery pack.

Flexible pricing model: With adaptable pricing plans and service levels, the procurement of the new Cray X can be optimized according to the precise needs of companies, regardless of their size. The German Bionic Robotics-as-a-Service (RaaS) model provides a perfect solution for all types of requirements - from small businesses to large corporations - starting at as little as EUR699 per month.

The new Cray X is available as of immediately. Full product details and information on the flexible pricing plans are available on the German Bionic company website: https://www.germanbionic.com/en/crayx-4/

Press Contact:

Eric Eitel Tel.: +49 175 1670 891 Email: ee@germanbionic.com Twitter: @germanbionic Web: https://germanbionic.com

Additional content: https://www.presseportal.de/pm/126129/4624149 OTS: GBS German Bionic Systems GmbH

Original-Content von: GBS German Bionic Systems GmbH, übermittelt durch news aktuell


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