
Forcyd Announces New RelativityOne Offering at Relativity Fest London

Geschrieben am 11-05-2020

Amsterdam (ots/PRNewswire) - The SaaS e-discovery solution will provide more value in the cloud for Forcyd's clients

Forcyd (https://www.forcyd.com/) , a continental European full-service e-discovery and managed review provider, today announced it is expanding the firm's global e-discovery offering with the addition of Relativity (https://www.relativity.com/) 's cloud-based e-discovery solution, RelativityOne (https://www.relativity.com/ediscovery-software/relativityone/) . With RelativityOne, Forcyd can better protect its data by storing it in a single, secure SaaS platform that spans the full breadth of e-discovery - from legal hold all the way through to production.

With the secure and powerful RelativityOne product, Forcyd will be able to further leverage its e-discovery expertise to provide more value and better results for its clients. Additionally, moving to the cloud gives Forcyd the added scalability needed in today's data-centric society and allows them to build expertise and IP on top of one connected, global solution. RelativityOne also gives Forcyd users the flexibility to pick and choose solutions from the Relativity App Hub (https://www.relativity.com/ediscovery-software/app-hub) that best suits their unique workflows across different stages of the Electronic Discovery Reference Model - and solve data challenges outside of e-discovery.

"The team that makes up Forcyd has worked with Relativity from the early start of the platform and has seen its tremendous development and improvements over time resulting in the best cloud-based e-discovery platform available in today's market," said Bas Sluijsmans, Partner at Forcyd. "As the first independent e-discovery provider based in the Netherlands to use RelativityOne, we are in a unique position that fits in perfectly with the way we offer clients our end-to-end set of services whilst continuing 'business as usual' in these challenging times of COVID-19."

Mathieu van Ravenstein, partner at Forcyd, adds: "We are delighted to partner with Relativity as RelativityOne gives us all the flexibility we need to serve our clients in terms of geographical reach, scalability and rapid integration of specific applications such as the Forcyd privileged information filter. It allows us to set up and run our managed document review operations at short notice whether it is in one of our dedicated review centres, at our client's premises or remotely from any location, which is crucial in today's global remote work climate."

"When we first began working with Forcyd, we understood how important it was for them to have the ability to expand their reach across Europe and beyond. RelativityOne gives Forcyd the opportunity to provide the latest technology to suit their customers' unique needs," said Steve Couling, Managing Director, EMEA, at Relativity. "That continues today as they work with a multitude of customers across Europe and solidify their position as a leading RelativityOne service provider."

Forcyd is participating in Relativity Fest London (https://relativityfest.com/london/) , a virtual event taking place from 12-14 May, 2020.

About Forcyd

Forcyd offers high-end eDiscovery, Cyber Forensic and Managed Document Review, advisory and solutions. We help clients get ahead of their most complex business issues related to misconduct, litigation, and other legal matters and transactions. Our solutions range from full service end-to-end management of complex mass-volume litigation and information requests to applying the latest in analytics and AI for large scale transactions, deals and disputes.

About Relativity

At https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2682310-1&h=3894404874&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww .relativity.com%2F&a=Relativity , we make software to help users organize data, discover the truth, and act on it. Our e-discovery platform is used by thousands of organizations around the world to manage large volumes of data and quickly identify key issues during litigation, internal investigations, and compliance projects. Relativity has over 180,000 users in 40+ countries from organizations including the U.S. Department of Justice, more than 70 Fortune 100 companies, and 198 of the Am Law 200. https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2682310-1&h=30750 5416&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.relativity.com%2Fediscovery-software%2Frelativityone%2F &a=RelativityOne offers all the functionality of Relativity in a secure and comprehensive SaaS product. Relativity has been named one of Chicago's Top Workplaces (https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2682310-1&h=2621678719&u=https%3 A%2F%2Fwww.chicagotribune.com%2Fbusiness%2Fcareers%2Ftop-workplaces%2Fct-viz-top -workplaces-list-2019-htmlstory.html&a=Chicago%27s%C2%A0Top+Workplaces%C2%A0) by the Chicago Tribune for nine consecutive years. Please contact Relativity at sales@relativity.com or visit http://www.relativity.com (https://c212.net/c/link /?t=0&l=en&o=2682310-1&h=958859367&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.relativity.com%2F&a=http%3 A%2F%2Fwww.relativity.com) for more information.

Additional content: https://www.presseportal.de/pm/144357/4593562 OTS: Forcyd B.V.

Original-Content von: Forcyd B.V., übermittelt durch news aktuell


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