
Autodoc continues strong growth (FOTO)

Geschrieben am 29-04-2020

Berlin (ots) - Autodoc GmbH, benchmark in online sales of automotive spare parts in Europe, posted sales revenue of 165.5 million euros in the first quarter of 2020 (Q1 2019: 127.0 million euros). This corresponds to a rise in turnover of 30% compared with the same period a year earlier. Over the first three months, the product range was expanded and new and innovative customer solutions were introduced. Both aspects continue to form the main components of the growth strategy that the company plans to implement consistently over 2020.

Established in 2008, the e-commerce retailer is profiting from its online-first strategy. The flexibility provided by a lean corporate structure without physical outlets, along with the pan-European approach have allowed the Berlin-based company to largely escape the restrictions currently imposed on fixed-outlet sales.

Long-term growth through comprehensive range

The company's long-term growth is based on the determined implementation of their growth strategy: This includes, first and foremost, the comprehensive product range of currently 2.5 million items. Autodoc thus offers its customers a comprehensive and growing range of car parts that everyone can afford. The associated services are being extended as well: Over the recent past these have included the launch of the "Autodoc Club" platform in the last quarter of 2019, along with the accompanying mobile app in February 2020. On this platform, Autodoc has bundled its digital services. At its core is a library of more than 2,500 video and PDF tutorials aimed at assisting customers with simple repairs to their own cars. The mobile app expands and complements the scope of functions on the online platform with a personal digital service logbook. Alongside the tutorials from the library, this includes, for example, the option of to track consumption of fuel and other consumables.

Alexej Erdle, Autodoc GmbH chief executive: "The figures for the first quarter of 2020 emphasise Autodoc's continuing growth potential. The fact that we have posted such strong turnover figures despite the current crisis also demonstrates the robustness of our business model. As a purely online market player, we are flexible and in a position to profit in full from the long-term trend to online retail. Our highly digitalised processes are assisting us - particularly at the moment - in being able to react without constraints and to continue our drive for innovation and growth."

For 2020 as a whole, Autodoc plans to continue its growth by means of innovation and further optimisation of operational processes.


AUTODOC is Europe's leading online outlet for automotive spare parts. As the fastest growing business in this sector, with a rise in turnover of 63% in the 2018 financial year to around 415 million euros (2017: 254 million euros), AUTODOC is continuing to expand its base. As a result of its successful expansion drive, AUTODOC is now represented in 25 European countries outside Germany. AUTODOC pursues a strong customer focus through its presence on social media, technical support in the appropriate national languages and its demand-driven range, which currently comprises almost 2.5 million products from 545 brand manufacturers for 128 makes of car. From brake systems through chassis parts, shock absorbers and springs, exhaust systems, interior parts, steering and clutches up to air-conditioning systems, heating, repair kits and motor oil, the online trader offers a broad service. The company marked its 10th anniversary in June 2018. AUTODOC GmbH is based in the Lichtenberg part of Berlin and is managed 100% by its proprietors. Since May 2019, the company has maintained a branch on the Kurfürstendamm in the city in addition to its headquarters.


Thomas Casper Head of Press and Public Relations & Communications Kurfürstendamm 22 10719 Berlin Tel.: +49 30 2084 78 237 Email: t.casper@autodoc.eu http://www.autodoc.de

cometis AG Matthias Kunz Tel.: +49 611 20 585 5-64 kunz@cometis.de http://www.cometis.de

Additional content: https://www.presseportal.de/pm/130889/4584221 OTS: Autodoc GmbH

Original-Content von: Autodoc GmbH, übermittelt durch news aktuell


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