
Zentiva Celebrates The Parc's Impressive Scientific Track Record in 2019

Geschrieben am 27-01-2020

Prague (ots/PRNewswire) - Zentiva welcomed The Pharmaceutical Applied Research
Center (The Parc) to their Prague headquarters to celebrate the first
anniversary of The Parc Awards. The Parc is a unique research platform designed
to prepare future generations of pharmaceutical scientists and engineers.
Twenty-nine students are currently included in the program and an outstanding
track record has been achieved in 2019: 16 publications, one patent application,
30 conference presentations, six plenary and keynote lectures, eight research
grants and five students finalized their studies.

"2019 was a hugely successful year. I'd like to clearly emphasize the energy all
our partners bring to the project. We now have 29 PhD students in the program
and what is really important is the joint supervision students receive from both
scientific/academic and industrial supervisors. This creates a unique combined
industrial-academic environment which is the strength of The Parc for 2020 and
the future," says Ondrej Dammer, The Parc's Operational Director.

Prof. Frantisek St?pánek, The Parc's Scientific Director added, "I feel very
proud, especially of the students. I have had the opportunity to see them
develop over several years from being young undergraduates joining The Parc to
becoming Master's graduates and then joining the PhD program. It is really
satisfying to see the progress that they have made, both as individuals, as
professionals and, of course, as scientists."

This year, The Parc Awards went to two young talents. Denisa Lizonova was
awarded the Student Choice Award 2019 for her project on 'Modified Liposomes for
Drug Delivery' and Vojtech Klimsa received the Expert Choice Award 2019 for his
work on 'High Throughput Screening of Spray Dried Formulations'. Both awards are
sponsored by Zentiva.

Pavel Sebek, Zentiva's Development Director and one of the founders of The Parc
recalled its history and growth from an idea born 5 years ago: "We are so proud
of what has been achieved to date. The combination of top-level science training
combined with the development of industrial, business and leadership skills is
not only unique but recognized across Europe. The future is in the hands of our
young and creative cluster of students who have the ambition and skills to be at
the top of pharmaceutical science and technology and are energized to make a
difference in the pharma world. What makes me especially proud is that some of
the students have decided to work for Zentiva after completing The Parc program
and have become valuable members of our international development team."

About The PARC

Initiated by Zentiva, The Parc was created in association with three academic
partners: the University of Chemistry and Technology Prague; the Faculty of
Science of Charles University; and the Institute of Organic Chemistry and
Biochemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences. This highly successful initiative
has brought rising talent together with leading pharmaceutical and academic
experts, all working to accelerate innovation in drug research & development.

The Parc provides world class academic education combined with practical
hands-on industrial and business experience under the leadership of scientists,
engineers and managers both from academia and the pharmaceutical industry. It
enables students to gain graduate-level training in pharmaceutical sciences
bridging chemistry, pharmaceutical technology, biopharmacy and clinical
research. Results of the students' research are frequently directly implemented
in real world products launched to market to help patients. Collaborating with
academic partners across Europe, The Parc also offers secondments for students
and research experience exchanges supervised by top academic scientists.

More information about The Parc can be found on www.theparc.eu.

About Zentiva

Zentiva is a producer of high-quality affordable medicines serving patients in
Europe and beyond. With a dedicated team of more than 3,000 people and a network
of production sites - including flagship sites in Prague and Bucharest - Zentiva
strives to be the champion of branded and generic medicines in Europe to better
support people's daily healthcare needs.

At Zentiva it is our aspiration that healthcare should be a right and not a
privilege. More than ever, people need better access to high quality affordable
medicines and healthcare. We work in partnership with physicians, pharmacists,
wholesalers, regulators and governments to provide the everyday solutions that
we all depend on.

Learn more about Zentiva on www.zentiva.com.

Photo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1082238/Zentiva_The_Parc_Awards.jpg

Media Contact:

Ines Windisch
Head of Corporate Affairs & Human Resources
U Kabelovny 130 - 102 37 Prague 10 - Czech Republic
Cell: (+420) 601-341-444
E-mail: ines.windisch@zentiva.com

Additional content: https://www.presseportal.de/pm/132270/4503583
OTS: Zentiva

Original-Content von: Zentiva, übermittelt durch news aktuell


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