
Penta Hotels teams up with Boardmasters Festival / Five epic days of music, surf and soul on the Cornish coastline

Geschrieben am 23-07-2019

Frankfurt am Main (ots) -

Penta Hotels is proud to be an Official Partner of Boardmasters
2019, one of the UK's most anticipated summer events, which takes
place from 7-11 August at Watergate Bay and Fistral Beach in
Cornwall. The organisers will bring together like-minded souls for a
unique festival experience, boasting not only a massive international
line-up but also a world class surfing competition, all taking place
on one of the UK's most beautiful coastlines. 50,000 festivalgoers
per day will have the chance to soak-up music from over 200 artists
performing across more than 11 stages. Headliners include Wu-Tang
Clan, Florence + the Machine, and Foals. All this can only mean one
thing; an unforgettable week of sun-drenched dancing and surfing for
all who attend. Perhaps most importantly, guests will be able to
party guilt-free knowing that the environmental impact of the
festival is the highest priority for both Boardmasters and Penta

It is for this reason Penta Hotels decided to partner up with
Boardmasters over any other festival, as they share the same core
values and green mindset. Striving to give all guests a great time
whilst prioritising sustainability, together with an awareness for
the environment, is at the core of what both Penta Hotels and
Boardmasters stand for, making the collaboration a perfect match. In
The Beach Bar at Fistral and the VIP area at Watergate Bay guests
will feel the spirit of the Pentalounge, but this time in a beach
style, with relaxed vibes, great drinks and of course the best music.
After the festival, the furniture built for the bars will be reused
for other occasions and events, ensuring waste is reduced as much as
possible. Following in this 'leave no trace' spirit, Penta and
Boardmasters have organised four beach clean-ups in the run-up to and
after the festival that will culminate in the final one taking place
in Belgium. The aim of which will be to raise awareness on reducing
the consumption of plastic and promote the non-plastic initiatives
which are a core component of what Penta stands for.

Eugène Staal, President of Penta Hotels Worldwide said, "As a
global hotel brand, we can have a great positive social influence on
our surroundings. At Penta we are about bringing people together,
having a good time together and respecting the environment, so we
couldn't think of a better choice than partnering with Boardmasters.
At our hotels, we live the neighbourhood lifestyle and we feel
Boardmasters shares our values. We are working with full
determination on coming up with a plastic free hotel concept and are
actively implementing different initiatives in all our hotels to
reduce our impact on the planet."

Toby Gwazdacz, Head of Rights & Partnerships at Boardmasters
added, "Protecting our oceans, coastlines and beaches is key to us at
Boardmasters. We're delighted to be partnering with Pentahotels for
our Beach Clean Tour, bringing our beach cleans to new locations
across the UK and the rest of Europe. We look forward to working with
the team at this year's festival and beyond." More info at:

A member of Rosewood Hotel Group, Penta® represents a new
generation of neighbourhood lifestyle hotels offering modern-minded
individuals and business travellers comfort and style in a relaxed
atmosphere. Known for its unique interior design and attitude, the
lifestyle brand stands for true innovation in the industry's
upper-midscale segment. With 29 operating hotels across eight
countries over two continents, the hallmark of the hotel chain is the
Pentalounge - a combination of lounge, bar, café and reception - that
stands out with its "living room" look and feel. For further
information and bookings, please visit www.pentahotels.com. Follow us
on www.facebook.com/pentahotels and www.instagram.com/pentahotels for
our latest news.

Boardmasters After Movie 2018:

Penta Hotels Beach Clean-Up Video:

Penta Hotels Worldwide GmbH
Global Marketing & Communications
Phone: +49 (0) 69 256699 760
E-mail: pr@pentahotels.com

Original-Content von: Pentahotels, übermittelt durch news aktuell


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