
German start-up: UZE Mobility buys 500 e-trucks for disrupting mobility business cases (FOTO)

Geschrieben am 16-12-2018

Bremen, Germany (ots) -

- UZE Mobility aimes cost-neutral electric mobility for everyone

- American dream: from Apple to Siemens - corporations must disclose all data
they collect about humanity

UZE Mobility GmbH buys 500 e-trucks from StreetScooter GmbH. With the e-trucks,
the start-up company is now putting its innovative concept of e-mobility and Big
Data on the road nationwide. The StreetScooter GmbH is a subsidiary of Deutsche
Post and a leading supplier of electrically powered commercial vehicles in

Uber hunter: The goal is free electromobility for everyone

UZE Mobility would like to offer its vehicles free of charge in future. The
cost-neutral rental will be financed by advertising and other data-controlled
business models, for example in the areas of smart home, insurance, financing
and mobile entertainment. For this purpose, UZE Mobility has developed the UZE
Box, which collects and evaluates all data in the vehicles. The aim is to
significantly reduce pollution from traffic, traffic accidents, emissions and
noise in conurbations by 2025. Data scandals like the ones that happened with
Facebook are prevented by UZE Mobility's consistent use of blockchain
technology. The startup, however, does it without an Initial coin offering

American dream: From Apple to Siemens - Corporations must disclose all data they
collect about humanity

On the basis of big data and artificial intelligence, new markets worth billions
will emerge in all industries, from which every enterprising person can profit
and live the american dream. "To achieve this, humanity must break open the data
silos of corporations from Apple to Siemens. Then small companies and company
founders will have a much better chance of living the American dream. Artificial
intelligence and open science will then experience enormous leaps in innovation.
New sustainable inventions and concepts in the fight against disease, poverty,
scarcity of raw materials, hunger or climate change will be implemented much
faster and more effectively. UZE Mobility is only our first step in this
direction," says Dr. Dr.-Ing. Alexander N. Jablovski, CEO and Co-Founder of UZE.

For interview requests with Dr. Dr.-Ing. Alexander N. Jablovski, CEO &
Co-Founder UZE Mobility, please call our German number: +49-1511-2719962.

Mr. Jablovski will be in Boston from 17 December 2018.

About the UZE Mobility Team

The rapidly growing UZE Mobility team of 45 people (as per 12/2018) is an agile
team consisting of a multitude of experts to make the future of smart mobility
and cities a reality. UZE Mobility brings together experts from the fields of
digitalization, blockchain, hardware development and fleet management with a
long-standing international background and a network of global partners.

CEO & Co-Founder Dr. Dr.-Ing. Alexander N. Jablovski is the visionary and head
of corporate strategy and international business development. As an experienced
company founder and Senior Vice President of an international company in the
automotive industry, he has been successfully active in the mobility industry
for many years. Previously, he was a researcher and consultant at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), where he advised VCs and founded
start-ups. He shares his knowledge in lectures and presentations.

CDO & Co-Founder Sebastian Thelen is a successful entrepreneur in the field of
data analysis and digital startup scene. As a board member and CDO, he
implements the UZE Mobility Vision of the Intelligent Ecosystem and develops the
underlying technologies and applications. Sebastian Thelen is a sought-after
interlocutor and speaker on the future topics of his time, such as Artificial
Intelligence, Big Data and Blockchain.

Press Contact
uze! Mobility GmbH
Melanie Lammers
Press and Public Relations
Admiralstrasse 96, 28215 Bremen, Germany
Mobile: +49-1511-2719962
E-Mail: melanie@uze-mobility.com
Web: www.uze-mobility.de/en
Picture is available at AP Images (http://www.apimages.com)

Original-Content von: UZE Mobility GmbH, übermittelt durch news aktuell


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