
Johnson Controls honors leading suppliers / 14 suppliers receive European Supplier Awards 2013

Geschrieben am 10-10-2013

Neuss (ots) - Johnson Controls, a global leader in automotive
interiors, honored its top-performing interiors suppliers during a
European Supplier Awards ceremony. The awards emphasize the value the
company places on effective supplier performance. A total of 14
suppliers received the awards, which were presented yesterday
afternoon in the Classic Remise in Düsseldorf.

The European Supplier Awards 2013, which are comprised of
Performance Awards and Leadership Awards, are given by the company
for special achievements on the European continent in the categories
of injection-molding components, plastics and resins, chemicals,
foams, fabric and leather cutting, natural fibers, and metal

"We would like to thank our suppliers for the outstanding
commitment, quality, and efficiency shown this year," said James Bos,
vice president purchasing for Johnson Controls Automotive Interiors.
"As a global leader in the automotive industry, our suppliers play a
crucial part in our success." The selection criteria are based on key
factors such as quality, cost, logistics, design, technology, and
service. Depending on the total number of points achieved, Johnson
Controls awarded suppliers a Supplier Performance Award in gold,
silver or bronze.

This year's Gold Supplier Performance Award was presented to
IZO-BLOK SP Z.O.O., a Polish manufacturer of foamed plastic parts.
SIKA Automotive GmbH from Germany and the Belgian company Total
Research & Technology both received Silver awards. Johnson Controls
awarded Bronze Supplier Performance Awards to Euroform Deutschland
GmbH, Polydesign Systems S.A.R.L. (Morocco), Jute Kassel GmbH
(Germany), Aditec S.A. (France), ITW Automotive Products GmbH
(Germany), Polyvlies - Franz Beyer GmbH & Co. KG (Germany), and J. H.
Ziegler GmbH & Co. KG (Germany).

Five companies honored with Leadership Awards

Leadership Awards were presented by Johnson Controls in the
categories of Quality, Continuous Improvement, Sustainability,
Customer Satisfaction, Innovation or Global Growth were shared this
year by five companies. IZO-BLOK SP Z.O.O., a Polish manufacturer of
foamed plastic parts, won the Leadership Award in addition to the
Gold Supplier Performance Award in the Quality category.

"IZO-BLOK, which was honored last year with a Silver Performance
Award, achieved our target of zero errors while increasing delivery
quantities by 66%, and has once again proved to be a reliable partner
in recent projects and production launches," said James Bos.

The award in the Customer Satisfaction category was given to C. H.
Müller GmbH from Germany, a market leader in the area of laminating
and coating, and ChongQing BoAo Magnesium Aluminum Manufacturing Co.
Ltd. from China. Both companies met the high expectations of Johnson
Controls in terms of quality, delivery performance, engineering
solutions, and customer satisfaction. C.H. Müller excelled in
demonstrating the greatest flexibility in recent projects. Thanks to
high vertical integration, customer requirements can be implemented
quickly and cost-effectively in its plant in Saxony. ChongQuing BoAo,
which supplies Johnson Controls with magnesium die cast components,
has shown a great deal of understanding for customers in recent
projects, by anticipating customer requirements and being able to
offer high-tech solutions.

Two German companies received the Leadership Award in the category
Global Growth: Styron Deutschland Anlagengesellschaft mbH, a plastics
manufacturer, among others for the automotive sector, and Carl Bechem
GmbH, a supplier of technical lubricants and additives for users in
the automotive industry. Styron Deutschland Anlagengesellschaft mbH
received the award for the global availability of new and improved
materials, which help support globalized product platforms. Thanks to
global capacities, Carl Bechem GmbH developed customized solutions
for vehicles in the premium segment application.

Digital images are available online under

About Johnson Controls

Johnson Controls is a global diversified technology and industrial
leader serving customers in more than 150 countries. Our 168,000
employees create quality products, services and solutions to optimize
energy and operational efficiencies of buildings; lead-acid
automotive batteries and advanced batteries for hybrid and electric
vehicles; and interior systems for automobiles. Our commitment to
sustainability dates back to our roots in 1885, with the invention of
the first electric room thermostat. Through our growth strategies and
by increasing market share we are committed to delivering value to
shareholders and making our customers successful.

About Johnson Controls Automotive Experience

Johnson Controls is a global leader in automotive seating,
overhead systems, door and instrument panels, and interior
electronics. We support all major automakers in the differentiation
of their vehicles through our products, technologies and advanced
manufacturing capabilities. With 240 locations worldwide, we are
where our customers need us to be. Consumers have enjoyed the comfort
and style of our products, from single components to complete
interiors. With our global capability we supply approximately 50
million cars per year.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like more
Johnson Controls Interiors Management GmbH
Jagenbergstrasse 1
41468 Neuss
Automotive Electronics & Interiors
Astrid Schafmeister
Tel.: +49 2131 609-3028
E-mail: astrid.schafmeister@jci.com
Internet: www.johnsoncontrols.co.uk


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