
JTI Selected as One of the 100 Best Workplaces in Europe / Offices in Ireland, Italy, Spain, and Turkey awarded in '25 Best Multinational Workplaces' category

Geschrieben am 28-06-2013

Geneva, Switzerland (ots) - JTI (Japan Tobacco International) has
been selected by Great Place to Work® as one of the 100 Best
Workplaces in Europe for 2013. Four JTI markets have been qualified
in the '25 Best Multinational Workplaces' category: Ireland, Italy,
Spain, and Turkey. This milestone was celebrated on Thursday, June 27
in Dublin at the 11th annual European Best Companies awards ceremony.

"JTI strives to hire and retain the best talent in a culturally
diverse work environment," says Ilona Alonso, Human Resources Vice
President for the Western Europe Region at JTI. "Our culture
encourages our employees" development on many levels. We value their
suggestions and reward their efforts. We do this because we care for
the long-term interests of our people, and in turn they care for
ours. This achievement, along with other awards JTI entities have
received over the years, is a further testament to the positive
results we saw in our recent Employee Engagement Survey."

"Companies in this year's ranking are developing organizational
cultures dedicated to building trust and camaraderie among their
employees," said Robert Levering, Co-Founder and Global CEO of Great
Place to Work®. "Inclusion on this list reflects companies?
commitment to continuously improving the quality of life of employees
and setting new standards for organisations in the future."

Great Place to Work® launched the first Best Companies to Work For
list in conjunction with Fortune magazine in the United States and
Exame in Brazil more than 20 years ago. Great Place to Work® now
recognizes workplaces in nearly 50 countries. For the 2013 Best
Workplaces in Europe lists, Great Place to Work® analyzed data
provided by more than 2,100 companies that represent more than one
million employees.

About JTI

JTI, a member of the Japan Tobacco Group of Companies, is a
leading international tobacco manufacturer. It markets world-renowned
brands such as Camel, Winston and Mevius (Mild Seven). Other global
brands include Benson & Hedges, Silk Cut, Sobranie, Glamour and LD.
With headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, and about 25,000 employees
worldwide, JTI has operations in more than 120 countries. Its core
revenue in the fiscal year ended December 31, 2012 was USD 11.8
billion. For more information, visit www.jti.com.

About Great Place to Work®

Great Place to Work® Institute is a global research, consulting
and training firm that helps organisations identify, create and
sustain great workplaces through the development of high-trust
workplace cultures. We serve businesses, non-profits and government
agencies, beginning more than 20 years ago with great workplace lists
in the United States (with FORTUNE magazine's 100 Best Companies To
Work For® list) and Brazil. Today we produce Best Workplaces lists in
nearly 50 countries on all continents in what has become the world's
largest survey of workplaces, with more than 6.000 companies

For further information, please contact:
JTI Press Office
Telephone: +41 22 703 0291


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