
8.2 presents at the Intersolar the 8.2 SOLMAN monitoring system - Meet us at the Intersolar A2.210

Geschrieben am 20-06-2013


In a way, operating data provided by the monitoring system is the
heartbeat of the system. Using the self-developed software "8.2
SOLMAN", specifically designed for the intensive analysis of
operating data, 8.2 performs extensive examinations and comparisons
with operating data of different data protocols. The 8.2 SOLMAN
software is based on the considerably more complex requirements of
the power train analysis of large wind power systems (Condition
Monitoring Software CMS). This very successful program, VIBRALYZE,
which has been approved in the meantime, is an in-house development
of 8.2.

Depending on the availability of data, we determine the
performance of solar fields of various sizes. In this way,
performance differences, disruptions of operation, performance
changes / degradation can be graphically identified in a robust and
reliable way. Warranty claims can be identified and verified in time.

The 8.2 SOLMAN software gives the technical operations manager,
for the first time, a tool to provide extremely reproducible results
in a highly efficient and transparent way.


Would you like to invest in the construction of a photovoltaic
plant? The 8.2 Group will examine in advance the cost-effectiveness
of your investment and will guarantee the best possible security for
your investment by quality assessment.

The 8.2 experts perform their inspections independently from
manufacturers and operators. The actual work already begins with the
contract control right before the erection of the photovoltaic plant.
All requirements of the building permit will be checked with regards
to their respective fulfilment and the delivery of the plant
according to contract will be controlled. The results of any possible
quality defect can thus be reduced to a minimum due to continuous
construction monitoring and factory acceptance tests of components.

The future energy yield is based on an appropriate selection of
your plant's site. Already before its construction, 8.2 is preparing
an energy yield assessment taking into account all site conditions
such as surrounding and shadow, infrastructure, grid connection and
weather conditions. You will receive detailed proposals for improving
your energy yield and selection of site based on detailed analyses.


Special expert knowledge and experience is the key to the success
story of the 8.2 Group.

The story of the 8.2 Consulting began in October 1995 with the
foundation of the first 8.2 Engineering Office in Süderdeich by
Manfred Lührs. Since then the 8.2 Group has been growing constantly
in the national as well as international market. Today with more than
15,000 inspections carried out all over the world and with 24
independent offices, the 8.2 Group with more than 150 employees is
known as one of the leading specialists worldwide for the different
sectors of renewable energies.

Contact Details:

Meet 8.2 at the Intersolar A2-210!

Dietmar Obst
8.2 Ingenieurpartnerschaft Obst & Ziehmann
Brandstwiete 4, 20457 Hamburg, Germany
T: +49 40 181 2604 00

Nele Erdmann
+49 173 5733203


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