
New Research Identifies $44 Billion Copy Data Problem

Geschrieben am 05-06-2013

London (ots) -

Businesses Now Spending 60% of Disk Capacity, 65% of Storage
Software, and 85%of Storage Hardware to Manage Unnecessary Copies
of Production Data, Worldwide

According to a new IDC White Paper, companies worldwide are
spending $44 billion on storage hardware and software to manage
unnecessary copies of enterprise data. The new white paper
(http://www.actifio.com/copydata/) reveals details on the magnitude
and scope of this problem, including the fact that despite the
deployment of deduplication technologies, 85% of storage hardware and
65% of storage software purchases are currently being expended in
support of excess duplicate data. The research is based on IDC's
market revenue and forecast data, as well as a survey of over 700 IT
managers across 16 vertical industries worldwide.

Siloed business resilience and agility applications were found to
create up to 120 excess copies of production data. Managing this
excess now consumes more enterprise resources than the management of
production data itself.

"Over the past 30 years, technologists have adopted multiple
overlapping technologies to manage information, which has resulted in
a tremendous amount of copying," said Laura DuBois, Program Vice
President, IDC Storage Practice. "While maintaining copies of data is
essential for service quality, at some point this maintenance goes
from being an insurance policy to paranoia. We now know what this
paranoia costs, and the numbers may very well rock the industry."

IDC's data points illustrating the scope of the copy data storage

* Last year, more than 60 % of all enterprise disk capacity
worldwide was filled with copy data

* In 2012, 85 % of hardware purchases and 65 % of storage
infrastructure software revenue was spent on copy data management

* 78 % of the 711 survey respondents expect to see more capacity
allocated to storing data copies in the next 12 months

* By 2016, spending on storage for copy data will approach $50
billion and copy data capacity will exceed 300 exabytes (3 million

* By 2016, companies will spend 8 times more on copy data
(http://www.idc.com/getdoc.jsp?containerId=prUS24069113) as they will
on big data analytics

* As reason for the growth in copy data, 70 % of the respondents
cited the increased number of apps, while more than 50 % cited more
copies per app being created

* In the next 12 months, survey respondents expect increased use
of data copies for app development and testing, regulatory
compliance, multi-user access and long-term archival

"The introduction of a purpose-built copy data management solution
by Actifio has effectively created a new market segment - copy data
management. IDC has placed this market segment inside storage
infrastructure software - one of the core functional storage software
markets." Said Ashish Nadkarni, Research Director, IDC Storage
Systems. "Actifio's solution has serious implications on how
businesses procure storage assets and in the process shut storage
suppliers out of the secondary data copy management conversation."

IDC sized the magnitude of the copy data market both in terms of
spending and capacity, using its forecast models and tracker data. It
complemented this data with primary research data based on a survey
of 711 decision makers responsible for purchasing and/or managing
enterprise storage systems. The market model forecasts copy data
capacity and spend to grow at 23.5% and 5.4% CAGR respectively.

"It is an old story now that companies are faced with exponential
data growth," said Ash Ashutosh, CEO and co-founder, Actifio. "As
illustrated by IDC's definitive research, the driver of this
exponential growth is copy data. This validates what our users have
been experiencing for years that by storing only one copy of data to
use for multiple purposes you can save up 90% with Copy Data
Management solutions like Actifio."

The IDC White Paper is available at www.actifio.com/copydata.


Actifio Ltd.
Ann Karolin Thueland
Director, Marketing EMEA
16 St Martin's Le Grand, St Paul's
London, EC1A 4EN
+44 203 551 2559


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