
DGAP-Adhoc: Salzgitter AG - Salzgitter Group adjusts its guidance for the financial year 2013

Geschrieben am 08-05-2013

Salzgitter AG / Key word(s): Change in Forecast

08.05.2013 16:49

Dissemination of an Ad hoc announcement according to § 15 WpHG, transmitted
by DGAP - a company of EquityStory AG.
The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.


At EUR 2.4 billion in consolidated external sales (first quarter of 2012:
EUR 2.6 billion), the performance of the Salzgitter Group that delivered a
pre-tax result of EUR -15.8 million in the first quarter of the financial
year 2013 (first quarter of 2012: EUR -19.6 million) was unsatisfactory.
Nonetheless, these results were within the scope of expectations that were
moderate to begin with.

As a result of the severe structural crisis in Europe's steel market, the
prospect of the markets stabilizing over the course of the coming months
has deteriorated. The upturn in momentum typical of the season has so far
failed to materialize. Instead, with raw materials and energy costs still
running at a consistently high level, growing pressure on margins is
foreseeable. It has therefore become necessary to adjust the guidance of
the Salzgitter Group for the financial year 2013.

We now anticipate a negative pre-tax result in the mid-double-digit million
euro range for the financial year 2013. As already announced, additional
special effects may still arise as a consequence of implementing the
'Salzgitter AG 2015' Group project.

Further details on the financial statements of the first quarter and
adjusted annual guidance will be published on May 15, 2013.


Language: English
Company: Salzgitter AG
Eisenhüttenstraße 99
38239 Salzgitter
Phone: +49 5341 21-01
Fax: +49 5341 21-2727
E-mail: info@salzgitter-ag.de
Internet: www.salzgitter-ag.de
ISIN: DE0006202005
WKN: 620200
Listed: Regulierter Markt in Frankfurt (Prime Standard), Hannover;
Freiverkehr in Berlin, Düsseldorf, Hamburg, München,

End of Announcement DGAP News-Service



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