
Michel Stuijt Appointed as New CEO of Eurogiro

Geschrieben am 11-04-2013

Copenhagen (ots/PRNewswire) -

April 1st 2013 Michel Stuijt took up the post as CEO of Eurogiro.

Michel Stuijt comes from a position as General Manager - Market
Management at Equens and is well known within the payments arena,
with more than 25 years of corporate banking and payment experience.

(Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120507/530940 )

(Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130411/607671 )

Sylvie Solignac, Eurogiro Board Chairman, said "Eurogiro will be
well looked after with Michel Stuijt at the helm. Michel has the
personality and the expertise from banking, payments and IT which
Eurogiro needs to expand its reach and services."

"Trend-setting processing standards and settlement arrangements,
plus a unique mix of member organisations and payment experts," says
Michel Stuijt "is how Eurogiro has forged new roads in the past and I
am keen to lead Eurogiro in taking this strategy to a new level, in
close cooperation with members, partners and the Eurogiro team."

Eurogiro embraces financial institutions of many kinds as members
of its network - posts, small and large banks, post banks, other
payments service providers and mobile operators. This diverse
membership is unique to Eurogiro and allows members access to the
largest branch network in the world.

Members use Eurogiro to provide all methods of payment product to
their clients, be it cash payments or account-to-account transfers,
initiated from any channel which the client prefers. Many
transactions are pensions and workers' remittances. Members share a
strategy of creating a competitive advantage by insisting on cost
efficiency, transparency and fairness in their payment services.

Eurogiro celebrates its 20th anniversary in 2013. Today,
Eurogiro's focus is to continue its global expansion and retain a
high level of satisfaction amongst all of its members.

Eurogiro, founded 1993, is a commercial company and a
collaboration whose aim it is to develop worldwide business relating
to the cross-border payments of both retail and wholesale financial
services for the benefit of its members. The Eurogiro community of
financial institutions is the driving force behind all business
developments. Over the past twenty years, the company has evolved
from a platform of postal organisations and banks into a trusted
partner on a global level, processing over 30 million cross-border
payments every year, reaching more than 500,000 branches and 4
billion people in more than 50 countries. Eurogiro employs 14 people
directly. Head office in Copenhagen, branch in Singapore.


Michel Stuijt, CEO, michel.stuijt@eurogiro.com

Annelise Lysdal, Director Marketing & Products,




ots Originaltext: Eurogiro
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