
Sixty Thousand Europeans 'Quit Smoking With Barça' and the European Commission

Geschrieben am 14-03-2013

Brussels (ots/PRNewswire) -

Today, an important benchmark of more than 60,000 smokers across
Europe has been reached with the innovative smoking cessation
programme, 'Quit Smoking With Barça'
(http://www.quitsmokingwithbarca.eu). This programme is a
collaborative effort between FC Barcelona (FCB) and the European
Commission. This notable achievement comes less than three months
since the launch of the collaboration.

'Quit Smoking With Barça' is an innovative online platform that
provides evidence-based advice, customised support and daily smoking
cessation tips to smokers; from the hearts and mouths of Barça's star
players, coaching team and staff. This free support is available via
the programme's mobile app, the FCB iCoach, that guides smokers
through a 5 phase process designed to transition them gently towards
a healthier, smoke-free life.

FCB Club President, Sandro Rosell, commented on the early success
of FCB iCoach: "It has been a great challenge for us to help Barca
fans and all football supporters across Europe to improve their
health and we are happy that the European Commission has worked with
us to bring this opportunity about. Our motto 'Més que un club'
communicates our commitment and responsibility to our fans. The
impressive uptake of "Quit Smoking With Barça" has motivated us to
use our voice and do our upmost to encourage smokers to win their
battle against tobacco; by offering them the tools, guidance and
encouragement to kick the habit for good. We would like to
congratulate all those who have signed up to "Quit Smoking with

Speaking of the collaboration with FC Barcelona, Tonio Borg,
European Commissioner for Health and Consumer Policy, said: "I have
high expectations for the Commission's collaboration with Barcelona
Football Club -"Barça", to help Europe's 140 million smokers become
"Unstoppable" by quitting smoking. Since the launch of this
partnership in December 2012, there have been more than 60,000
registrations to Barça's 'iCoach', proving that the European
Commission's long experience in tobacco control initiatives, combined
with the status of Barça, has proved a winning combination in
improving the health and lives of football fans across Europe."

Both FC Barcelona and the European Commission have significant
achievements in anti-smoking initiatives. In January 2012, FCB became
the first Spanish football club to voluntarily declare its stadium
and all facilities at Camp Nou a non-smoking zone. At the same time,
'Quit Smoking with Barça' is part of the award winning campaign
"Ex-Smokers are Unstoppable"(http://www.exsmokers.eu), an initiative
of the European Commission already supporting over 355,000 smokers
and ex-smokers to live smoke-free lives.

Further Information:

The "Quit Smoking with Barça" campaign


The "Ex-Smokers are Unstoppable" campaign



The official homepage of FC Barcelona


'Quit Smoking with Barça' is a joint commitment between FC
Barcelona and the European Commission to take a stand against smoking
and the nearly 700,000 preventable deaths caused by tobacco in Europe
each year. Harnessing the power of the European Commission's
"Ex-Smokers are Unstoppable" campaign and Barcelona's 'Sense Fum'
initiative, the campaign will encourage and support the 28 million
smokers across * Europe in the 25-34 year old age group to kick the
habit and become unstoppable ex smokers for life (
[http://www.quitsmokingwithbbarc%C3%A7a.eu ]).

iCoach (http://www.exsmokers.eu) is a free, proven digital health
tool already helping more than 355,000 people across Europe in their
quest to give up smoking for good. iCoach is available from today as
an app for both for iPhone and Android (

ots Originaltext: FC Barcelona and The European Commission
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

Media enquiries: Orla Barnewell, +44(0)7817-229428


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