
EANS-News: Sixt Aktiengesellschaft / For the jubilee year 2012 Sixt is earmarking a significant dividend increase

Geschrieben am 14-03-2013

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annual result/Dividend proposal

Pullach (euro adhoc) - CORPORATE NEWS

For the jubilee year 2012 Sixt is earmarking a significant
dividend increase

- Mobility service provider generates earnings before taxes (EBT) of EUR
118.6 million in 2012, one of the best in the company's history
- Consolidated operating revenue up by almost 4%
- Foreign business turns more and more into growth driver:
share in consolidated operating revenue up to 31%
- Equity ratio rises to 29.1%
- Dividend proposed at EUR 1.00 including bonus for ordinary shares and
EUR 1.02 including bonus for preference shares
- CEO Erich Sixt: "We will continue all growth initiatives unabated even
in the currently difficult market environment."
- Solid earnings also expected in 2013

Pullach, 14 March 2013 - In 2012 Sixt, Germany's biggest car rental
company and one of the leading international mobility service
providers, generated consolidated earnings before taxes (EBT) of EUR
118.6 million. This ranks as one of the best results in the history
of the company, which celebrated its 100th year in 2012. As had been
announced, the record figure of the year before (EUR 138.9 million)
proved unreachable, but with an EBT-margin (in relation to
consolidated operating revenue) of 8.3% (2011: 10.1%) Sixt continues
to be one of the most profitable companies in its industry worldwide.
Consolidated operating revenue went up by 3.9%, driven above all by
the dynamic growth in the Vehicle Rental Unit's foreign business.

Due to the good results and the excellent equity base the Managing
Board will propose a substantial increase in the dividend for the
financial year 2012 to the Supervisory Board and the Annual General
Meeting on 20 June 2013: every ordinary share is to receive EUR 0.55
(2011: EUR 0.60) plus a bonus of EUR 0.45 (2011: EUR 0.15). Under the
proposal every preference share is to receive EUR 0.57 (2011: EUR
0.62) plus a bonus of EUR 0.45 (2011: EUR 0.15). This would increase
the total dividend distribution from EUR 37 million to over EUR 48

Sixt announced the preliminary key figures for financial year 2012
during the company's annual press conference in Munich today.

Erich Sixt, Chairman of the Managing Board of Sixt AG: "The fact that
we managed to generate such a good result in 2012, despite the
recessionary climate in Europe, the general cost increases and in
spite of the start-up costs for such future projects as setting up
our US business, proves the inner strength of the Sixt Group. The
dynamic growth in Europe outside of Germany is particularly
gratifying. Although our plans for 2013 are cautious because of the
difficult market environment, we will continue all growth initiatives

Dr. Julian zu Putlitz, Chief Financial Officer of Sixt AG: "One of
the special strengths of our Group vis-a-vis the competition is its
rock-solid equity and financing base, which we optimized further in
2012. We have ample operative and strategic room for manoeuvre for
future growth. And our highly attractive dividend proposal for
financial year 2012 proves once more that Sixt attaches great
importance to shareholder friendliness."

Group revenue and earnings performance 2012: Rental revenues rose in
2012 by 6.5% to EUR 953.7 million (2011: EUR 895.7 million). The
driving force was the foreign business operations, which expanded by
20.1% to EUR 349.0 million. Sixt managed once more to gain market
shares in key European rental markets, such as France and Spain. In
Germany demand ebbed off during the course of the year because of the
drop in business activity, so that rental revenue of EUR 604.7
million was roughly in line with last year's level (-0.1%).

Leasing revenue came to EUR 382.9 million, and, as had been expected,
was slightly below the previous year's figure of EUR 393.5 million
(-2.7%), although sales bounced back in the course of the year due to
a growing portfolio of contracts.

At EUR 1.43 billion consolidated operating revenue, excluding revenue
from the sale of used leasing vehicles, was 3.9% higher than the
prior-year figure (2011: EUR 1.37 billion). The share of foreign
business increased further from 26.8% to 30.6%.

Total consolidated revenue increased 2.0% to EUR 1.60 billion from
last year's EUR 1.56 billion.

Consolidated earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) came to EUR
167.7 million, which was 11.7% less than the year before at EUR 189.8
million. Consolidated earnings before taxes (EBT) of EUR 118.6
million remained on a high and satisfactory level. This was 14.6%
down on the record figure of EUR 138.9 million generated in 2011.
However, adjusting the previous year by the one-off income of EUR 4.4
million generated in the Leasing Business Unit, the EBT decline was
11.8%. After taxes the Sixt Group reports a profit of EUR 79.2
million after EUR 97.5 million the year before (-18.7%). The earnings
performance in 2012 was affected by the following key factors:
Slackening demand in the rental business at more or less constant
rental prices in an increasingly difficult European economic

Start-up costs for growth initiatives, such as setting up a station
network on the US rental market or the DriveNow carsharing service.

General price increases at numerous operating costs.

Equity base strengthened further In 2012 Sixt strengthened its
already strong equity base still further. As of 31 December of last
year the Group's equity amounted to EUR 632.8 million, 6.2% or EUR
36.7 million above the figure as of the reporting date 2011 (EUR
596.1 million).

The equity ratio also improved to 29.1% of total assets (31 December
2011: 25.6%). which is substantially above the targeted minimum value
of 20% and once again significantly above the average for the German
rental and leasing industry.

Cautious investment policy, attuned to environment In view of the
growing economic uncertainties Sixt already started to call vehicle
orders more cautiously and flexibly in the second half of 2012. Over
the entire financial year the Group added around 153,600 vehicles to
the rental and leasing fleet (2011: 158,900 vehicles) with a total
value of EUR 3.69 billion (2011: EUR 3.75 billion). This equals a
decrease of 3.3% in the number of vehicles and 1.6% in the value of

Outlook for financial year 2013 The restrained economic conditions,
above all in the Euro area, should see companies undertake more
efforts to save, which in turn could adversely affect travel
activities, above all of business customers. Sixt therefore expects
domestic demand to drop in the Vehicle Rental Business Unit, while
the growth path in the other European countries and the USA is set to
continue. All in all, the Managing Board expects consolidated rental
revenues to contract slightly in 2013.

Against the backdrop of invigorated sales measures, also in the
private customer segment, and the growth in the contract portfolio
seen again in 2012, Sixt expects revenues in the Leasing Business
Unit to remain stable or even grow gently in 2013.

In 2013 Sixt will once again adhere to the principle of giving
preference to adequate margins over volume growth ("Earnings before
growth"). Nonetheless, strategic growth initiatives, such as the
expansion in the USA, will continue without restrictions.

Subject to the general economic outlook in Europe not worsening
further than projected, the Managing Board reckons that the Sixt
Group will generate pre-tax earnings slightly below the previous
year's level, albeit with an earnings position and return on equity
that is satisfactory once again in the prevailing market conditions.

Developments in the operating business units

Vehicle Rental: In Western Europe and the USA Sixt operates its own
subsidiaries, while in the other European countries and the other
regions of the world, the company is represented by a close-knit
network of franchisees. All in all, vehicle rental services are
offered in around 100 countries under the brand name Sixt. At the end
of 2012, Sixt had 1,970 rental offices worldwide, 494 of them in

The activities that started in 2011 to gradually develop the US
market, by far the world's biggest rental market, continue to
outperform expectations. Currently, Sixt maintains 12 stations of its
own, with the focus on Florida. Parallel to these, 2012 saw the
set-up of a franchise network, and Sixt is also sounding out the
Canadian market.

The premium carsharing service DriveNow remains also on expansion
course. In 2012 it won over 60,000 new registered user bringing the
total to more than 85,000 up to date. In addition, the vehicle
portfolio was extended to further BMW and MINI models.

The rental revenue for the Vehicle Rental Business Unit's increased
in 2012 by 6.5 % to EUR 953.7 million. Foreign business grew by EUR
20.1 million to EUR 349.0 million, with strong double-digit
percentage growth recorded above all in Spain and France. The
Business Unit's total revenue (including other revenue from rental
business) also registered a 6.5% increase to EUR 1.04 billion and EBT
remained at an high level of EUR 106.4 million (2011: EUR 119.6

Leasing: Sixt Leasing is one of Germany's largest vendor-neutral,
non-bank full-service leasing companies, whose services extend not
only to classic finance leasing but also to a broad range of services
for efficient fleet management that reduces the customers' mobility

In an initially still friendly market climate for finance leasing
that darkened over during the course of the second half year, Sixt
managed to expand the contract portfolio (domestic and foreign,
excluding franchisees) at the end of 2012 by 10.5% to 62,200
contracts (year end 2011: 56,300). Special emphasis was placed on
extending the fleet management and private customer leasing segments.

Leasing revenue declined in 2012 by 2.7% year-on-year to EUR 382.9
million (2011: EUR 393.5 million), although revenue dynamic picked up
during the course of the year. Total revenues for the Leasing
Business Unit (including the fluctuation-prone proceeds from the sale
of used vehicles) amounted to EUR 545.7 million or 5.4% below last
year's total of EUR 576.8 million.

Though EBT at EUR 16.3 million fell short of the record figure of EUR
25.4 million of the previous year (augmented by a one-time income of
EUR 4.4 million), the return on sales was 4.3% (2011: 6.5%) and was
therefore only marginally below the long-term target figure of 5%.

Please note: As announced, Sixt Group's final Annual Financial
Statements for 2012 will be published on 16 April 2013.

Further information:
Sixt AG
Frank Elsner
Sixt Central Press Office
T +49 - 89 - 99 24 96 - 30
F +49 - 89 - 99 24 96 - 32
E-Mail: pressrelations@sixt.com

Further inquiry note:
Investor Relations
E-Mail: investorrelations@sixt.com
Tel.: +49(0)89-74444-5104

end of announcement euro adhoc

company: Sixt Aktiengesellschaft
Zugspitzstraße 1
D-82049 Pullach
phone: +49 (0) 89 74444 5104
FAX: +49 (0) 89 74444 85104
mail: InvestorRelations@sixt.de
WWW: http://www.sixt.de
sector: Automotive Equipment
ISIN: DE0007231326, DE0007231334, DE000A1K0656
indexes: SDAX, CDAX, Classic All Share
stockmarkets: free trade: Hannover, Berlin, München, Hamburg, Düsseldorf,
Stuttgart, regulated dealing/prime standard: Frankfurt
language: English


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