
Smart city, smart phone / smartMap Berlin app: enhanced features and an Android version for the 3D map of Berlin

Geschrieben am 12-03-2013

Berlin (ots) - "SmartMap Berlin," the app which depicts a 3D model
of the German capital, continues to expand. "We have moved on to the
next dimension after last year's successful launch of the version for
iPhones and iPads. We have enhanced the app with additional economic
and scientific information from our Business Location Center and have
integrated supplementary maps and infrastructure data. Furthermore
the app is now also available in an Android version," explained
Melanie Bähr, Managing Director at Berlin Partner GmbH.

"Berlin is one of the largest and most diverse regions for science
in Europe: More than 200,000 people conduct research, study and work
here. We are presenting this potential to an international audience
with innovative products that have originated in Berlin. The Berlin
government offered its support for the project and worked alongside
the local experts who are global leaders in this technology," said
Cornelia Yzer, Berlin State Senator for Economics, Technology and

The "smartMap Berlin" enables companies to discover the appealing
array of commercial real estate in Berlin - directly from their
mobile devices. Roughly 1,000 available office and commercial
properties can be virtually toured and viewed internationally, at any
time. The "smartMap Berlin 2.0" has been expanded to include
information about Berlin as a location for business and science. It
now includes all of Berlin's research institutes and lists companies
and training centers in the healthcare industries cluster. This makes
it easier to view and experience the city's overall potential.
Further information will be added in the coming months.

"A particular perk in the newest 'smartMap Berlin' version is the
possibility to rotate the 3D map. This allows for particular
buildings and areas to be viewed from all directions and
perspectives. We have added additional map levels, public transport
information and also the ability to access the map from an Android.
All these changes improve the usability and make the depicted
information more comprehensive," said Benjamin Hagedorn, Managing
Director at 3D Content Logistics GmhH.

The "smartMap Berlin" app was introduced in October 2012; it is a
complete presentation of Berlin in 3D with a total of roughly half a
million buildings and more than 800 square kilometers of city space.
The app was developed by 3D Content Logistics, a start-up from the
region, in close cooperation with the Business Location Center from
Berlin Partner GmbH, Berlin's economic development corporation.

The app can be downloaded, free of charge, from the iTunes App
Store or the Play Store by searching for "smartMap Berlin." The first
version was downloaded more than 13,000 times from the App Store.
Access more information about the "smartMap Berlin" at

The "smartMap Berlin" was funded by the European Regional
Development Fund. About the BLC: The Business Location Center, BLC,
is Berlin's economic web portal. Sector data, commercial real estate,
labor market and structural information, surface maps and details
about funding programs can be accessed here within seconds. The
information is up to date and can be experienced 'live' with the 3D
map of Berlin.

About 3D Content Logistics: 3D Content Logistics (3DCL) was
founded as a spin-off from the Hasso Plattner Instititute, the center
of excellence in software systems engineering at the University of
Potsdam. 3DCL focuses on making 3D content secure, efficient and
available for use on end devices. The "smartMap" software offers
interactive 3D maps for various uses and sectors such as urban
development, architecture and construction, location and real estate
marketing or also for use by the population.

Karin Teichmann


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