
Sony Mobile Launches New Global Xperia Marketing Campaign Inviting Consumers to Experience the Best of Sony in a Smartphone

Geschrieben am 26-02-2013

London (ots/PRNewswire) -

- Integrated marketing campaign highlights the best of Sony in the flagship
Xperia(TM) Z smartphone
- Iconic creative execution synonymous with the Sony brand
- Most ambitious marketing campaign to date for the Xperia brand

Sony Mobile Communications [http://www.sonymobile.com ] ("Sony
Mobile") has revealed its most ambitious marketing campaign yet for
its Xperia smartphones with a significant global marketing

(Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130226/595516 )

The integrated campaign, which will be deployed globally in over
20 markets across TV, print, digital, out-of-home and retail from
March 2013, highlights the best of Sony's innovative technologies as
found in its new premium Xperia Z smartphone. In a creative execution
that features a selection of Sony's much-loved products from the
past, the campaign reflects the unique consumer experiences that only
Sony can deliver as it looks back at iconic moments in history and
showcases Sony's technologies available today.

"Our latest campaign celebrates Sony's proud heritage of
innovation and how the brand continues to touch the lives of people
around the world," said Steve Walker, Chief Marketing Officer at Sony
Mobile. "The launch of our new flagship Xperia Z smartphone marks a
milestone as it truly brings together the innovative Sony technology,
entertainment and connected experiences into a single device."

By utilising the talents of celebrated director Tarsem Singh
[http://www.tarsem.org ], the campaign takes consumers on a colourful
journey to experience the vibrancy and excitement of the Holi
festival in India. Every year thousands converge to witness this
festival of colour with its explosion of coloured powders and water,
creating the perfect setting for the Xperia Z smartphone, with its
water-and dust resistant design, to beautifully capture, share and
enjoy this visual spectacle. Tarsem's stunning visuals have been
perfectly complemented by David Bowie's aptly titled classic track
'Sound and Vision' which was specially remixed by Sonjay Prabhakar.

Acclaimed director Tarsem began his career in music video
creation, making his name with his music video for R.E.M.'s track
'Losing My Religion' which won the MTV Video Music Awards 'Video of
the Year' in 1991. His feature film directorial debut came with the
visually striking The Cell (2000) and since then, he has become known
for his trademark colour-saturated and vibrant visual style. His
other films include The Fall (2006), Immortals (2011) and most
recently Mirror Mirror (2012) starring Julia Roberts.

"The Xperia Z has one of the most incredible screens you can think
of for today," commented Tarsem. "It really records colour vividly
and this festival of Holi is about as vivid as you can get."

The global campaign was officially debuted during the premier
mobile industry trade show Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.
Visitors to Sony's stand can see demonstrations of the new and highly
anticipated Xperia Z smartphone and Xperia Z tablet - showcasing the
best of Sony innovation including sleek designs, Full HD displays,
cutting-edge camera technologies, One-touch functions for content
sharing and connectivity, and unique water-and dust resistant
technology. The full commercial can be viewed here:

About Sony Mobile Communications

Sony Mobile Communications is a subsidiary of Tokyo-based Sony
Corporation, a leading global innovator of audio, video, game,
communications, key device and information technology products for
both the consumer and professional markets. With its music, pictures,
computer entertainment and online businesses, Sony is uniquely
positioned to be the leading electronics and entertainment company in
the world. Through its Xperia(TM) smartphone portfolio, Sony Mobile
Communications delivers the best of Sony technology, premium content
and services, and easy connectivity to Sony's world of networked
entertainment experiences. For more information:

Sony "make.believe" is a trademark or registered trademarks of
Sony Corporation. "Xperia" is a trademark of Sony Mobile
Communications AB. All other trademarks or registered trademarks are
the property of their respective owners.


For more information, images and videos please visit:
sonymobile.com/press [http://www.sonymobile.com/press ]

Sony Mobile Communications, Global Communications & PR department

General Press: +44(0)208-762-5858


ots Originaltext: Sony Mobile Communications
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de


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