
Onlineprinters Builds on Trend of Mobile Online Use in Europe / New mobile shops for printed products now available in six languages

Geschrieben am 14-02-2013

Neustadt an der Aisch (ots) - Onlineprinters is one of the top
five online print shops in Europe and is now one of only a handful of
online print service providers to offer its printed products and
advertising materials in mobile shops Europe-wide. When a smartphone
user opens the online shop www.onlineprinters.com, he or she will be
forwarded automatically to the mobile shop. Mobile online customers
in all European countries can now access the broad range of products
produced in offset or digital printing technology in German, English,
French, Italian, Dutch and Spanish. In Germany, the mobile shop was
already launched in 2011 and went down extremely well with online
customers. With the new mobile shops, Onlineprinters accommodates the
trend of increasing mobile online use. "Our offer addresses business
customers and advertisers who appreciate purchasing high-quality
printed products online in a fast and reasonably priced manner.
Experience has shown that our customers want to be able to have quick
access to information such as prices, product selection and order
status while on the go", Walter Meyer, CEO of Onlineprinters GmbH,
comments on the new distribution channel of the online print shop.

"The online shop www.onlineprinters.com is compatible with all
mobile devices and mobile browsers, giving users access to the broad
range of products produced in offset and digital printing technology
in a user-friendly and straightforward manner", Walter Meyer explains
the new service for smartphone users. With just a few clicks,
customers can view prices, product and ordering data, help pages,
production and shipping times and even place orders in the mobile
shop. When customers access the online shop via their smartphones,
they will be forwarded automatically to the corresponding mobile web
shop. There, users can browse through the large selection of printed
products such as business cards, flyers, post cards, posters,
banners, catalogues, brochures and large-format advertisement

Mobile distribution channels of Onlineprinters in 30 European

With the Europe-wide launch of the websites optimized for mobile
phones, Onlineprinters, the provider of online printing services,
sets new standards in terms of full-coverage mobile distribution
channels for customers in 30 European countries. Nearly half of all
customers of the German e-commerce company are already from European
countries - a trend that is on the rise. They all benefit from the
extremely favourable prices of the premium products printed in offset
and digital technology and from the fast delivery of the printed
products to all European countries.

Video clip "Printings simply ordered online":

About Onlineprinters GmbH

German Onlineprinters GmbH is one of Europe's largest online print
shops. All standard printed products are produced in the PSO-
certified production department in premium offset quality and in
flexible digital printing technology and are distributed via online
print shops. Detailed information on products and company is
available in the online shop and mobile shop of

Presse contact:
Patrick Piecha
PR Consultant
Phone: +49(0)9161/6209807


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