
Ixonos Takes Birdwatching to a New Level with a Beautiful App Developed for National Geographic

Geschrieben am 15-01-2013

Helsinki (ots/PRNewswire) -

Ixonos has designed and developed a new bird watching app for
National Geographic, National Geographic Birds: Field Guide to North
America. The highly innovative app is the only tool that any bird
watcher in North America, beginner or experienced, needs besides a
pair of binoculars. The app comprises the entire 640-page Field Guide
to the Birds of North America book, and more. It uses Ixonos Media
SparkTM [http://www.ixonos.com/online-solutions/ixonos-media-spark ]
assets, enabling media companies to boost their digital business.

(Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120911/559727 )

"The birdwatching app was designed together with National
Geographic with the desires and needs of bird watchers in mind," Riz
Haque, Director, Key Customer Accounts from Ixonos says. "Our Dream,
Design, Deliver - approach applied throughout the project ensured
that we created something truly unique. It was a privilege to hear
the customer's dream and then design it with their experts," Haque
continues. "The input we gained from these professionals allowed us
to deliver a tool that meets even the most demanding needs of bird

The app has been released for iPhone and iPad and is available
worldwide in the App Store [https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/national-
geographic-birds/id315268465?mt=8 ]. It aims to make bird watching as
intuitive as possible. The real-time search and filter interface
allows the user to easily identify any bird based on various
criteria. It also makes it very convenient to keep a diary of what
birds you have seen and when. Additionally the app provides fun and
helpful features such as quizzes and a toolkit with a glossary, bird
watching ethics etc.

"National Geographic is fortunate to have Jonathan Alderfer, one
of the world's leading bird experts, on hand to provide us with the
valuable insight and illustrations used to create the rich content
for this app," says Natalie Jones, National Geographic digital
products manager. "Ixonos, with their Finnish design sensibilities,
beautifully translated this content into a clean, user-friendly app
that offers easy navigation, vibrant imagery, and tons of innovative
features to make it the most comprehensive birding app on the

"When designing the app, we put user experience as first
priority," Korhan Bueyuekdemirci, Senior UX Designer, Ixonos
explains. "The user interface was kept very simple to emphasize the
essentials to make it easy to use in the field. National Geographic
Birds app is like having a bird watching expert in your pocket." By
combining usability with extensive information the app takes the bird
watching experience to a completely new level.

Follow Ixonos Ixonos' website [http://www.ixonos.com ] Ixonos in
Twitter [http://twitter.com/IxonosTweets ]Ixonos in YouTube
[http://www.youtube.com/IxonosOnline ]

Ixonos is a creative mobile solutions company. We develop wireless
technologies, software and solutions for connected devices and mobile
services. Together with our corporate customers, we design products
and services that let consumers enjoy inspiring mobile experiences.
We enhance the competitiveness of our customer companies by enabling
superior user experiences as well as faster time-to-market for their
devices and services. We have offices in Finland, China, Denmark,
Estonia, Germany, Great Britain, Slovakia, South Korea and the U.S.
Ixonos Plc is listed on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd. In 2011, the
company's turnover was 81.4 million euros and its operating profit
was 1.9 million euros.

Follow National Geographic National Geographic Apps "
[http://www.nationalgeographic.com/apps ] National Geographic's
website " [http://www.nationalgeographic.com ]

The National Geographic Society is one of the world's largest
nonprofit scientific and educational organizations. Founded in 1888
to "increase and diffuse geographic knowledge," the Society works to
inspire people to care about the planet. National Geographic reflects
the world through its magazines, television programs, films, music
and radio, books, DVDs, maps, exhibitions, live events, expeditions,
interactive media and merchandise. National Geographic offers a full
line of award-winning editorial, cartographic and gaming products
over a variety of digital platforms.

For more information, please contact:


- Riz Haque, Director, Key Customer Accounts, tel. +358-40-412-9965,
- Esa Nettamo, Creative Director, Finland Design Studio, tel. +358-40-543-1195,
- Roope Suomalainen, Director, Experience, tel. +358-50-564-5988,

National Geographic Society:

- Meaghan Calnan, Communications, National Geographic Society, tel.
+1-202-857-7545, mcalnan@ngs.org


ots Originaltext: Ixonos
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de


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