
EANS-Adhoc: Valora Holding AG / Valora announces changes in Group Executive Management

Geschrieben am 08-05-2012

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Valora announces changes in Group Executive Management


Valora announces changes in Group Executive Management

For personal and family reasons, Valora's CEO, Thomas Vollmoeller,
has decided to relinquish his current position and leave Valora's
Group Executive Management. He will be returning to Germany in order
to take up the position of CEO of XING AG, thus enabling him to be
closer to his family again.

Rolando Benedick and Valora's entire Board of Directors very much
regret this decision and thank Thomas Vollmoeller for his great
commitment to Valora over the last four years and all his hard work
for the company. In the words of Rolando Benedick, "By successfully
implementing the Valora 4 Success programme and launching the Valora
4 Growth strategy, Thomas Vollmoeller has put Valora back on the path
to success and directed the company towards new growth. We very much
regret his departure and we respect his decision. Valora's Board of
Directors and Group Executive Management wish Thomas Vollmoeller the
very best for the future, both personally and professionally. Valora
remains committed to its growth strategy and will continue to
implement the measures it has initiated."

Rolando Benedick, the Chairman of Valora's Board of Directors, will
immediately assume the duties of Valora CEO on an interim basis,
driving the current strategy forward and monitoring the progress of
its implementation. The search for a new CEO has already begun.
Thomas Vollmoeller will continue to assist Valora in an advisory
capacity until he takes up his new duties.

Further inquiry note:
Investor Relations: Tel: +41 58 789 12 20
Mladen Tomic E-Mail: mladen.tomic@valora.com

Media Relations: Tel: +41 58 789 12 01
Stefania Misteli E-Mail: stefania.misteli@valora.com

end of announcement euro adhoc

issuer: Valora Holding AG
Hofackerstrasse 40
CH-4132 Muttenz
phone: +41 61 467 20 20
FAX: +41 58 789 12 12
mail: info@valora.com
WWW: www.valora.com
sector: Retail
ISIN: CH0002088976
stockmarkets: Main Standard: SIX Swiss Exchange, stock market: BX Berne eXchange
language: English


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