
Monext's International Acquiring Platform PCI DSS Certified

Geschrieben am 22-11-2011

AIX- EN-PROVENCE, France, November 22, 2011 (ots/PRNewswire) -

Following the certification of its call centre and its Payline
and Pavavenue payment solutions, Monext has received yet another
quality guarantee. Its international acquiring platform, which
enables merchants based in Europe to manage VISA and MasterCard
payments, has just been PCI DSS certified (Payment Card Industry Data
Security Standard). The audit was carried out by XMCO, a consulting
firm for information system security. Monext thus becomes the first
and only French company to have its international acquiring platform
PCI DSS certified.

Merchants reaching beyond borders

Monext, a key player in electronic payment in France and within
Europe, offers a global solution for the acquiring of international
bank flows. Aimed at buyers (i.e. banks, financial institutions,
payment institutions) and their commercial clients (in shops or
online), this platform allows them to manage cross-border payment
transactions made using VISA or MasterCard cards. The platform covers
the full value chain: authorisation, remote data collection,
monitoring, calculating merchants' fees, accounting interface, and
remittance of funds through the banking partner. It also offers
multi-currency reporting services, multilingual call centres,
European-wide dispute management, etc.

Monext provides banks with the means to manage the issues
involved with the growth of their merchants' international business,
who will only need a single acquiring bank across all of Europe. In
particular BNP PARIBAS and UNICRE (Portugal), Monext platform
clients, are using the system in several European countries,
including France, Austria, Spain, Ireland, Portugal, and Slovenia.

PCI DSS certification

This certification guarantees maximum-security processing for
banking institutions which outsource their international acquiring
services. The certification meets the international standards
established by the PCI Council organisation, made up of card networks
(MasterCard, VISA, American Express, etc.). It aims to set standards
for the secure storage and manipulation of supplied data.

Frederic Charpentier, of XMCO, explains: "Monext's international
acquiring platform meets the 220 security needs. The certification
audit has therefore been declared successful."

Gilles Ferec, Monext's director of operations, notes: "This
certification, which recognises the quality and reliability of our
services, is another sign of our commitment to banks and their
customers. Our international platform meets the dual requirements of
facilitating banking transactions while continually increasing their

About Monext

Monext is a key player in the French electronic payment industry.
It is a pure-play electronic banking company covering the entire
value chain. The business generates an annual turnover of more than
EUR 60M and employs 480 associates to manage more than:

1) 6.5 million debit and credit cards
2) 900 million transactions in 2010
3) 100,000 POS terminals

Monext provides innovative transaction solutions, with or without
cards, including electronic payments made at a point of sale, online
or via mobile device, in a manner that is secure, reliable, and
immediate. With customers in the banking, distribution, trade and
commerce industries, Monext aims to become a European leader in a
sector that is experiencing strong growth.


About XMCO

Founded in 2002, XMCO is an independent consultancy firm,
specialising in information systems security and counter-cybercrime.
Its core business is security auditing. The team, made up of 15
technical experts, carries out more than 10 intrusion tests each
month on the computerised environments of telecoms, banks, insurance
companies, and industrial firms. XMCO is also officially certified by
CERT, whose mission consists of monitoring the emergence of new
threats and notifying its clients and providing support when clients
suffer information system intrusions.


Press contact
Kable Communication Finance [http://www.kable-cf.com ]
Nolwenn Salauen +33-01-44-50-54-74

ots Originaltext: Monext
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de



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