
Cryo-Save Launches Educational Program on Clinical Applications of Stem Cell Therapies: An Example of Excellence in Serbia

Geschrieben am 26-10-2011

Zutphen, Netherlands (ots/PRNewswire) -

Cryo-Save, Europe's leading family stem cell bank launches an
educational program on stem cell therapies. The aim of the program is
to increase the awareness of stem cells therapy and regenerative
medicine amongst healthcare professionals. Cryo-Save Serbia played a
lead role in coordinating this annual event on Regenerative Medicine,
Tissue and Genetic Engineering in Belgrade, Serbia earlier this

Healthcare professionals lack information on stem cell therapies

By being the leading company in Europe and one of the most active
family stem cell banks in the world, Cryo-Save recognizes the
responsibility to proactively contribute in building a proper
know-how in adult stem cell applications and research.

For this reason, a network of experts has been put in place to
set-up a series of educational activities, such as symposia and
workshops, for the end of 2011 and the whole 2012. In different
countries the program will give healthcare professionals the
opportunity to meet, discuss and update each other on the latest
scientific achievements and to remain informed on current clinical
trials and on-going research projects.

An excellent example recently happened in Serbia, where the
International Symposium on Clinical Applications of Stem Cell
Therapies informed some 150 medical professionals. Cryo-Save is very
proud to have participated and supported this symposium in Belgrade,
Serbia earlier this October where several key researchers and
scientists presented on topics regarding transplantation, cord blood,
heart disease and many other modern clinical applications of stem
cell therapies.

Arnoud van Tulder, CEO of Cryo-Save Group, said, "Cryo-Save is
very committed to creating a new culture on the issue of adult stem
cells in order to increase, all over the world, a proper awareness on
the value of existing treatments and promising applications. We are
conscious of our leading role in this industry and, for this reason,
we have started supporting an extensive program of educational
activities, recently in Serbia and soon in the Netherlands and Bosnia
Herzegovina, to offer professionals an up-to-date point of view in
stem cell research."

The International Symposium on Regenerative Medicine, Tissue and
Genetic Engineering

The Serbian symposium was mostly oriented towards clinical
applications of stem cell therapies. Prof. Lorenza Lazzari (Research
and Development Director - Cell Factory Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico
Milano - Italy) and Prof. Zoran Ivanovic (Scientific Director -
Etablissement Francais du Sang Aquitaine-Limousin - France) addressed
the issues of cord blood stem cells and haematopoesis.

Prof. Christoph Stamm (Professor, Consultant Surgeon Deutsches
Hertzzentrum Berlin - Germany) presented the advances and drawbacks
of current stem cell therapies in cardiac diseases, specifically
myocardial infarction therapy and also how stem cell therapy might
help the heart transplant candidates. He specifically emphasised the
belief that stem cells derived from umbilical cord blood and tissue
will prove more potent and applicable.

Dr. Fernando de Miguel Pedrero (Senior Researcher, Unidad de
Terapia Celular Hospital Universitario La Paz Madrid - Spain)
presented a clinical trial concerned with stem cell therapy of
chondral knee defects.

Dr. Roger Amar (Director, Amar Clinic, Marbella - Spain)
presented an extensive experience in the use of mesenchymal stem
cells harvested from adipose tissue and grafting them into facial
structures using a FAMI technique.

Dr. Mima Fazlagic, Chairman of the Serbian Symposium and member
of the Cryo-Save Medical Board, quoted, "We hope that in the future
we will be able to bring more cutting-edge science and therapy to
professionals and broader public alike."

More information:

Cryo-Save: http://www.cryo-save.com/group

Cryo-Save, the leading international family stem cell bank,
already stores more than 185,000 samples from cord blood and
umbilical cord tissue for newborns and adipose tissue for adults.
These stem cells can mean the difference between life and death in
the case of future threats to the health of the donors. There are
already several diseases that can be cured by the use of stem cells,
and the number of treatments will only increase. The use of stem
cells from adipose tissue is increasingly popular in plastic surgery.
Driven by its international business strategy, Cryo-Save is now
represented in over 40 countries on four continents, with
ultra-modern processing and storage facilities in the United States,
Belgium, Germany, Dubai, India, South Africa and France (validation
in progress).

ots Originaltext: Cryo-Save AG
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

Cryo-Save Marketing&Communication Department, Tel:
+41-55-222-0251; Renzo Gentile, renzo.gentile@cryo-save.com; Ashley
Ringger, ashley.ringger@cryo-save.com


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