
Turkcell Receives 3 Prizes from European Digital Communications and the Golden Drum Awards

Geschrieben am 13-10-2011

Istanbul, Turkey (ots/PRNewswire) -

Turkcell , Turkey's leading communications and technology company
Turkcell has been awarded three prizes at the Digital Communication
Awards and Golden Drum International Advertising and PR Festival.
Turkcell has been ranked first among thousands of participating
campaigns for its interactive contest "More Tweets" in the Innovation
of the Year Category at the Digital Communication Awards, while also
being awarded the "Innovative Campaign" and Special Jury Prize "Grand
Prix" at Golden Drum.

The 'More Tweets' Campaign had previously been voted 'The Best'.

The More Tweets Contest, held between April 7-14, 2011, involved
the removal of post-its one by one from the boxes of the 7 smart
phones that offer the best Turkcell 3G experience.

A total of 56,734 tweets were written under the name of
#turkcelltweet hash tag during the campaign. Turkcell appeared on
Twitter's trending topic list on the very first day of the campaign,
and remained there for 8 days. Approximately 3.6 million people were
reached during the campaign.

Turkcell's highly creative "More Tweets" campaign had previously
received four awards in Turkey: 2 Crystal Apples, the "Best Event and
Interactive Marketing Usage Award" from Mediacat Felis, and the Avea
Grand Interactive Award.

About the European Digital Communication Awards

The European Digital Communication Awards were initiated by the
Quadriga University of Applied Sciences; a graduate school
specialized in the field of professional communication. The objective
was to identify and honour innovative approaches and solutions by
taking the entire spectrum of online communications into account, and
to foster dialogue between practitioners and academics active in the
field. A high-level jury of 35 members is comprised of leading
practitioners and academics. Each year candidates are evaluated
according to criteria such as general idea, strategy, creativity,
results and efficiency. Thousands of companies from all over Europe
apply to participate every year.

About Golden Drum

Golden Drum, an advertising and PR summit, which has been held in
Portoroz on Slovenia's Adriatic coast for the past 18 years, provides
a competitive environment for projects from all over the world. At
this festival, whereas only marketing projects had been evaluated
until two years ago, PR projects too have been evaluated since last
year. During the three-day festival, in addition to the contest
itself, the latest developments in the field of advertising and PR
are assessed at workshops, conferences and meetings. Last year
Turkcell received the "Best Corporate PR", Best PR Team" and "Best PR
Event" awards following the 3G speed test event held in Diyarbakir
and Paris.

About Turkcell

Turkcell is the leading communications and technology company in
Turkey with 34.1 million subscribers and a market share of
approximately 54% as of June 30, 2011 (Source: Operator's
announcements and excluding the impact of the change in prepaid churn
periods in Q2 2011). Turkcell is a leading regional player, with
market leadership in five of the nine countries in which it operates
with its approximately 61.7 million subscribers as of June 30, 2011.
The company covers approximately 85% of the Turkish population
through its 3G and 99.07% through its 2G technology supported
network. It has become one of the first among the global operators to
have implemented HSDPA+ and achieved a 42.2 Mbps speed using the HSPA
multi carrier solution. Turkcell reported a TRY2.3 billion (US$1.5
billion) net revenue with total assets of TRY15.5 billion (US$9.5
billion) as of June 30, 2011. It has been listed on the NYSE and the
ISE since July 2000, and is the only NYSE-listed company in Turkey.
Read more at http://www.turkcell.com.tr

For further information please contact Turkcell
Nihat Narin, Investor and International Media Relations
Tel: +90-212-313-1244
Email: nihat.narin@turkcell.com.tr

You can now follow the most up-to-date Turkcell developments on
twitter by clicking on the link below.


ots Originaltext: Turkcell
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