
Serono Symposia International Foundation (SSIF) - Cognition Disorders in MS - Florence - 30 September, 1 October 2011

Geschrieben am 30-09-2011

Florence, Italy (ots/PRNewswire) -

Cognitive impairment in multiple sclerosis is expressed
in the clinical course of the disease in 43-70% of cases.
It affects 1/3rd of school-aged patients

The leading international experts in the field of neurological
research for multiple sclerosis gathered in Florence for the event
sponsored by Serono Symposia International Foundation (SSIF) to
discuss the correct clinical management of cognitive disorders caused
by the disease.

( Logo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20100629/397361 )

The event, "Cognition Disorders in MS", was produced with the
scientific contribution of Professor Maria Pia Amato from the
Department of Neurological and Psychiatric Sciences of the University
of Florence, along with Professor Giancarlo Comi from the
Experimental Neurology Institute Vita Salute San Raffaele at the
University of Milan.

"It's erroneous and quite simplistic to maintain that multiple
sclerosis is debilitating to the physical and motor functions alone,"
said Professor Amato. "Clinically, cognitive disorders are common and
can be highly disabling."

"It's surprising how, up until now, so little attention has been
paid to the range of symptoms and the effects of the drugs used to
treat multiple sclerosis," added Professor Comi. "Especially now that
we have much more powerful drugs," he concluded, "it becomes
increasingly important to assess their impact and identify the most
suitable treatment for the specific case."

"Quite often," said Professor Amato, "patients suffering from the
cognitive disorders typical of multiple sclerosis are forced to miss
work because of difficulties in completing their tasks, especially
when they involve memory impairment - the most frequent symptom - and
disturbances in attention or concentration."

"As a promoter of Continuing Medical Education, SSIF offers its
knowledge on an international level," noted Professor Comi, who is
also President of the Scientific Committee of SSIF, "and we are very
proud to bring together on this level the top experts in neurology
and multiple sclerosis research, and to contribute to the debate from
the perspective of clinical practices, with the goal of identifying
the most appropriate treatments for this disease."

Serono Symposia International Foundation

Serono Symposia International Foundation is a non-profit global
organization dedicated to the Continuing Medical Education (CME) of
healthcare professionals.

ots Originaltext: Serono Symposia
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