
Institut Pasteur Shanghai Announces the Creation of its Global Biotech Accelerator Advance BioChina

Geschrieben am 29-03-2011

Biovision, Lyon, France (ots/PRNewswire) - Institut
Pasteur of Shanghai announces today the creation of its global
biotech accelerator company Advance BioChina.

Advance BioChina is an R&D-focused for-profit organization that
positions itself as the gateway to China for global biotech
companies. Advance BioChina co-invests with global biotech companies
into Shanghai-based Joint Ventures. Advance BioChina will incubate
and develop up to 25 companies over the next 5 years to help them
develop innovative products for the Chinese and global markets.

Advance BioChina's founder Institut Pasteur of Shanghai (IPS) was
established by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institut Pasteur and
the Shanghai Municipal Government in 2004 and is a legally
independent non-profit research organization.

Ralf Altmeyer, Director General of IPS, "Biotech companies will
benefit from our experience in China, our scientific expertise and
technology platforms at Institut Pasteur Shanghai to achieve their
product development goals."

China's pharma market has grown 15-20% p.a. over the last 8 years
and is forecast to become the world's second largest biggest pharma
market by 2020. The healthcare and IP-law reforms in China are
improving the R&D environment and commercial perspectives for
differentiated medical products.

Alice Dautry, President of Institut Pasteur, "Institut Pasteur
has a long history of translating its research into applications. The
launch of Advance BioChina arrives at the right time when our Asian
Pasteur institutes are developing strongly at the national and
international level."

Zhu Zhiyuan, Executive Director of the Chinese Academy of
Sciences Shanghai Branch, "There is a significant unmet medical need
in all major diseases in China with huge patient pools. Advance
BioChina capitalizes on the great quality of science at IPS and its
network with other life science institutes at the Chinese Academy of

Advance BioChina provides access to funding and full incubation
services paying special attention to secure the Intellectual Property
of its JV partners.

About Institut Pasteur Shanghai

Institut Pasteur Shanghai (IPS) is a legally non-profit research
organization established in 2004 to address health issues in China
and the Asian region. IPS creates synergies between the Institut
Pasteur and the Chinese Academy networks, leveraging all the assets
of Shanghai as one of the Asia leading business and technology hubs.
IPS is engaged in basic research in therapeutics, vaccines,
diagnostics and medical devices and in a broad range of infectious
diseases programs such as hepatitis, HIV, respiratory infections as
well as virus-induced cancer. IPS counts 237 staff with 37 PhD
scientists and will grow up to 400 staff within the next 3 years. IPS
will move to its new buildings in Shanghai's Xuhui (16,000m2) and
Fengxian (8,000m2) districts in 2012.

For more information, please visit

About BioVision

For over 10 years, BioVision, the World Life Sciences Forum, has
been engaging key international leaders from different backgrounds in
debates on global issues involving science and society. Every other
year in Lyon, BioVision brings together government and business
leaders, scholars, policy makers and NGO directors. Participants
analyze scientific breakthroughs, pressing global challenges, discuss
the most effective solutions, and build lasting partnerships that
enable them to create positive social change.

For more information, please visit http://www.biovision.org/

Advance BioChina http://www.advancebiochina.com

Contact Media relations contactus@advancebiochina.com; Hoby
Rakoto, Tel: +86-21-63-85-02-96, Email:

ots Originaltext: Institut Pasteur Shanghai
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

Contact Media relations contactus@advancebiochina.com; HobyRakoto,
Tel: +86-21-63-85-02-96, Email: contactus@advancebiochina.com


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