
EANS-News: REpower Systems AG / Gregor Gnädig New Member of the Board at REpower

Geschrieben am 27-09-2010

- To take office as Chief Operating Officer (COO) from October 1,
- CSCO Lars Rytter Kristensen will leave REpower as of Sept
30, 2010

Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
responsible for the content of this announcement.

Board of Directors (Appointments and Changes)

Subtitle: - To take office as Chief Operating Officer (COO) from
October 1, 2010

- CSCO Lars Rytter Kristensen will leave REpower as of Sept 30, 2010

Hamburg (euro adhoc) - The Supervisory Board of REpower Systems AG
(WKN 617703) has announced that the responsibilities of the Executive
Board of the company will be reorganised. The core competencies will
be bundled in order to ensure further growth in international
markets. As a result, the new position of Chief Operating Officer
(COO) is being created from October 1, 2010. The role of the COO will
be to continue the optimization within the entire order-to-delivery
cycle - including procurement, production, logistics and project
management - so that costs can be further reduced.

Gregor Gnädig (51) will take charge as the new COO at REpower. He
most recently was Vice President Project Execution at Alstom Power,
and Managing Director for the power station business in Great Britain
and Ireland. Chief Supply Chain Officer (CSCO) Lars Rytter Kristensen
(44) is terminating his Executive Board member service agreement by
mutual agreement, with effect from September 30, 2010 and resigning
as CSCO.

"With Gregor Gnädig we have acquired a very experienced manager for
REpower," says Tulsi Tanti. "His performance in the fields of
procurement and project management at Alstom is recognised throughout
the industry." "The new organisation makes REpower even more customer
oriented," says CEO Andreas Nauen. "We have therefore created a
strong base for our future growth." Gregor Gnädig began his career in
1987 as an engineer in the United States after graduating in
mechanical engineering at the University of Karlsruhe (Germany). From
1990 onwards, he worked in ABB´s power station division in the
technical sales department and in product management. In 2000, he
moved to Alstom, where one of his tasks was to build up and establish
an international sourcing organisation for the industrial plant
business. In his last post he was also responsible for the British
power station segment. "I have always worked for companies which were
regionally strong, but wanted to make use of global synergies," says
Gregor Gnädig. "This is also an attractive challenge of my new
responsibilities at REpower."

Tulsi R. Tanti, Chairman of the Supervisory Board at REpower Systems
AG: "I would like to thank Mr Kristensen, on behalf of the entire
Supervisory Board, for his personal commitment and dedication to the
company. Mr. Kristensen has successfully completed his tasks as the
CSCO since April 2008. He has successfully advanced the optimisation
of the structures and processes of the global purchasing
organisation. Indeed Production, led by Mr. Kristensen, delivered an
increase in capacity of more then 30 per cent without requiring
significant investments to achieve this. We wish him every success in
the future."

From October 1, 2010, the Board of Directors at REpower Systems AG
will consist of Andreas Nauen (CEO), Gregor Gnädig (COO), Derrick Noe
(Chief Financial Officer), Per Hornung Pedersen (Chief Market
Officer), and Matthias Schubert (Chief Technology Officer).

end of announcement euro adhoc

ots Originaltext: REpower Systems AG
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

Further inquiry note:

Caroline Zimmermann

Tel.: +49(0)40-5555090-3025

E-Mail: Caroline.Zimmermann@repower.de

Branche: Alternative energy
ISIN: DE0006177033
WKN: 617703
Index: CDAX, Prime All Share, Technology All Share
Börsen: Berlin / Open Market
Hamburg / Open Market
Stuttgart / Open Market
Düsseldorf / Open Market
München / Open Market
Frankfurt / regulated dealing/prime standard


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