
Avantium Intends to List on Euronext Amsterdam

Geschrieben am 22-10-2007

Amsterdam (ots/PRNewswire) -

- Not for release, distribution or publication into or in the
United States, Australia, Canada and Japan.

- Positive Results With Next Generation Biofuels Trigger IPO Plans

Avantium, a leading technology company in the area of advanced
high-throughput R&D, announces its intention to raise new funds
through an initial public offering (the "IPO") and to apply for a
listing on Eurolist by Euronext Amsterdam. Avantium intends to
complete the IPO of its shares before the end of the year, subject to
market conditions.

Avantium, established as a spin-off from Royal Dutch Shell in
2000, has developed advanced high-throughput R&D technology. Its
proprietary technology enables the company to conduct many automated
experiments in parallel on a very small scale, providing fast and
cost effective research at superior success rates. Avantium has
demonstrated the validity and commercial viability of its unique,
patented technology and expertise by providing R&D services and tools
to its clients in the energy, chemicals and pharmaceutical
industries. The company services more than 70 companies worldwide,
including many market leaders such as BP, Royal Dutch Shell, Sasol,
Pfizer, Boehringer Ingelheim and GlaxoSmithKline.

Building on its track record and proven technology, Avantium plans
to raise funds through an IPO to further grow its business by
advancing its exciting product development programs in the fields of
next generation biofuels and improved forms of existing drugs.
Avantium achieved a key milestone by a successful proof-of-concept
engine test of the company's next-generation, proprietary biofuel.
Avantium released more details of its biofuels program today in a
separate press release.

Tom van Aken, CEO of Avantium: "Through the support of our
shareholders, Avantium has established a strong position in
high-throughput R&D technology as proven by our blue-chip customer
base. We are ready for the next step and intend to secure capital to
finance our product development programs in the areas of biofuels and
in improved crystal forms of existing drugs. The public offering will
enable us to further realise our growth strategy and increase our
visibility as an innovative company with a strong focus on renewable

Fortis has been appointed as global coordinator and bookrunner.
The IPO is expected to take place before the end of the year and to
consist solely of primary shares.

Profile Avantium

Avantium is a leading technology company in the area of advanced
high-throughput R&D operating in the energy, chemicals and
pharmaceutical industries. The company develops products and
processes in the area of biofuels, bio-based chemicals and novel
crystal forms of existing drugs by applying its proprietary,
high-throughput R&D technology. Avantium has demonstrated the
potential of this technology by providing R&D services and tools to
more than 70 companies worldwide, including many of the world's
largest energy, chemicals and pharmaceutical companies. Avantium has
approximately 100 employees; its offices and head quarters are based
in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.


This announcement is not an offer to sell or a solicitation of any
offer to buy the securities of Avantium (the "Company", and such
securities, the "Securities") in the United States or in any other

The Securities have not been and will not be registered under the
U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Securities Act") and
may not be offered or sold in the United States unless registered
under the Securities Act or an exemption from such registration is
available. No public offering of Securities of the Company is being
made in the United States.

This communication is directed at and distributed only to (i)
persons outside the United Kingdom, or (ii) persons having
professional experience in matters relating to investments who fall
within the definition of "investment professionals" in Article 19(5)
of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Financial Promotion)
Order 2005 or (iii) high net worth companies, unincorporated
associations and partnerships and trustees of high value trusts as
described in Article 49(2) of the Financial Services and Markets Act
2000 (Financial Promotion) Order 2005. Any investment or investment
activity to which this communication relates is available only to and
will be engaged in only with such persons. This communication is
confidential and is provided to recipients on a personal basis and
must not be transferred or assigned or otherwise acted on or relied
upon by persons within the United Kingdom who receive this
communication (other than persons falling within (ii) and (iii)

This announcement does not constitute a prospectus. The offer to
acquire securities pursuant to the proposed offering will be made,
and any investor should make his investment, solely on the basis of
information that will be contained in the prospectus to be made
generally available in The Netherlands in connection with such
offering. When made generally available, copies of the prospectus may
be obtained at no cost from Fortis through the website of NYSE
Euronext Amsterdam and the website of the Company (Dutch residents

ots Originaltext: Avantium Technologies B.V.
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

For further information: For more information about this press
release please contact: Citigate First Financial, José Tijssen /
Claire Verhagen, Phone: +31-20-575 4010, Email:
Jose.Tijssen@citigateff.nl / Claire.Verhagen@citigateff.nl


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