
Isotechnika to Announce Initial Data From Phase IIb Kidney Transplant Trial

Geschrieben am 15-11-2006

Edmonton, Canada, November 15 (ots/PRNewswire) - Isotechnika Inc.
will announce initial data from its Phase IIb kidney transplant trial
for the Company's lead immunosuppressive drug, ISA247 on Thursday,
November 16th at 8:00 a.m. ET/6:00 a.m. MT. Dr. Randall Yatscoff,
Isotechnika's President & CEO, will present the initial data via web
cast commencing at 9:00 a.m. ET/7:00 a.m. MT.

In addition, the Phase IIb kidney transplant data will be
presented in the form of a poster at the American Society of
Nephrology Conference in San Diego on Thursday, November 16th. The
poster entitled "ISA247: A Novel Calcineurin Inhibitor (CNI) A
Promising Safety Profile With Enhanced Efficacy" will be presented by
Dr. Robert Gaston, one of the principal investigators involved in the
Phase IIb trial.

All interested parties may access the web cast through the home
page of the Company's corporate web site at www.isotechnika.com.
Interested parties will also be able to access a copy of the
scientific poster in the Investor Relations section of the web site.

About Isotechnika

Isotechnika Inc. is an international biopharmaceutical company
headquartered in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Drawing upon its
expertise in medicinal chemistry and immunology, the Company is
focused on the discovery and development of novel immunosuppressive
therapeutics that are safer than currently available treatments. Its
entrepreneurial management and world-class team of scientists are
building a pipeline of immunosuppressive drug candidates for
treatment of autoimmune diseases and for use in the prevention of
organ rejection in transplantation. Isotechnika looks to become the
leader in development of immunosuppressant therapies.

Isotechnika's lead compound, ISA247 has successfully completed a
Canadian Phase III human clinical trial for the treatment of moderate
to severe psoriasis. ISA247 is currently being investigated in a
North American Phase IIb human clinical trial for the prevention of
kidney graft rejection. The Company also has an additional
immunosuppressive compound in its drug pipeline, TAFA93 which
successfully completed Phase I clinical trials. Isotechnika Inc. is a
publicly traded company on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the
symbol ISA. More information on Isotechnika can be found at


Isotechnika Inc. signed a collaboration agreement with Hoffman La
Roche on April 9, 2002, which licensed the worldwide rights to
develop and commercialise ISA247 for all transplant indications.

On September 30, 2005, Isotechnika Inc. entered into an exclusive
worldwide licensing agreement with Atrium Medical Corporation for the
use of ISA247 and TAFA93 specifically with drug eluting devices for
the non-systemic treatment of vascular, cardiovascular, target vessel
and tissue disorders.

Isotechnika Inc. and Cellgate Inc. signed an option agreement on
April 25, 2006, granting Isotechnika the option to obtain an
exclusive license to develop and commercialise conjugates consisting
of Cellgate's patented transporter technology for the topical
delivery of ISA247 in patients suffering from mild to moderate

On May 25, 2006, Isotechnika Inc. signed an agreement with Lux
Biosciences, Inc. of Jersey City, New Jersey granting Lux Biosciences
worldwide rights to develop and commercialise Isotechnika's lead
drug, ISA247 for the treatment and prophylaxis of all ophthalmic

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release may contain forward-looking statements. Forward
looking statements, including the Company's belief as to the
potential of its products, the Company's expectations regarding the
issuance of additional patents and the Company's ability to protect
its intellectual property, involve known and unknown risks and
uncertainties, which could cause the Company's actual results to
differ materially from those in the forward looking statements. Such
risks and uncertainties include, among others, the availability of
funds and resources to pursue research and development projects, the
ability to economically manufacture its products, the potential of
its products, the success and timely completion of clinical studies
and trials, the Company's ability to successfully commercialise its
products, the ability of the Company to defend its patents from
infringement by third parties, and the risk that the Company's
patents may be subsequently shown to be invalid or infringe the
patents of others. Investors should consult the Company's quarterly
and annual filings with the Canadian commissions for additional
information on risks and uncertainties relating to the forward-
looking statements. Investors are cautioned against placing undue
reliance on forward-looking statements.

ots Originaltext: Isotechnika Inc.
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

For further information: Stephanie Gillis-Paulgaard, Director,
Corporate Communications, Isotechnika Inc., Phone: +1-780-909-4661,
Fax: +1-780-484-4105, E-mail: sgillis-paulgaard@isotechnika.com


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