
Atmel Introduces a Cost-Optimized Smart Card Reader IC for USB Keyboards

Geschrieben am 12-09-2006

Nantes, France (ots/PRNewswire) -

Atmel(R) Corporation (Nasdaq: ATML) announced today the release of
the AT83C22OK106, a smart card reader product targeting USB smart
card keyboard. The AT83C22OK106 was developed in partnership with
OMNIKEY(R), a major smart card reader manufacturer.

The new AT83C22OK106 is an updated and optimized version of the
previous AT83C22OK. It includes 8051 core, USB interface, and ISO7816
UART smart card interface, as well as a high-efficiency DC/DC
converter. Therefore, it is compliant with the major smart card
standards such as EMV & PC/SC. It supports 5 V, 3 V and 1.8 V cards
regardless of the input voltage. The AT83C22OK106 is designed to
provide a solution for a reader system with only a few additional
external components mounted on a single sided PCB.

Arnaud Ruchon, Product Marketing Manager for Smart Card Reader ICs
at Atmel stated, "The AT83C22OK106, combined with the
state-of-the-art firmware developed by OMNIKEY, is a unique solution
for keyboard manufacturers. It allows them to implement a keyboard
with smart card functionality in less than two weeks." He added,
"Thanks to its optimized size, the AT83C22OK106 allows us to be even
more price competitive."

The firmware supports all types of smart cards with high baud
rates up to 433 kbits/s with full CCID compatibility and includes
BIOS support. Keyboards up to 160 keys using any OEM specific
keyboard matrix are supported. Furthermore, the firmware features a
common criteria certified secure PPIN-entry functionality

According to Kurt Schmid, Chief Executive Officer from OMNIKEY,
"Thanks to its complete set of features and its reduced price, the
new version of the AT83C22OK will help to win new smart card reader
businesses in the keyboard area. Atmel and OMNIKEY partnership offers
the best solutions for the keyboard OEM market."

Pricing and Availability

The AT89RFD-02 reference design kit is available, for US$250, to
facilitate a PCB design. Included is a reference board, software, and
all required documentation.

The AT83C22OK is available now in QFP64 and QFN64 packages.
Pricing in 10k unit-quantities is US$ 2.60 USD.

About Atmel

Atmel is a worldwide leader in the design and manufacture of
microcontrollers, advanced logic, mixed-signal, nonvolatile memory
and radio frequency (RF) components. Leveraging one of the industry's
broadest intellectual property (IP) technology portfolios, Atmel is
able to provide the electronics industry with complete system
solutions. Focused on consumer, industrial, security, communications,
computing and automotive markets, Atmel ICs can be found Everywhere
You Are(R).

NOTE: Atmel(R), logo and combinations thereof, Everywhere You
Are(R) and others, are registered trademarks, or trademarks of Atmel
Corporation or its subsidiaries. Other terms and product names may be
trademarks of others.


Atmel's AT83C22OK106 product information may be retrieved at

For further information on smart card readers, go to

Press Contacts:
Philippe Faure, Marketing Communications Manager -- Microcontrollers
Phone: +33-2-40-18-18-87, Email: philippe.faure@nto.atmel.com
Helen Perlegos, Public Relations -- USA and Asia Pacific Rim,
Phone: +1-408-487-2963, Email: hperlegos@atmel.com
Veronique Sablereau, Corporate Communications Manager -- Europe
Phone: +33-1-30-60-70-68, Fax: + 49-71-31-67-24-23
Email: veronique.sablereau@atmel.com

Web site: http://www.atmel.com

ots Originaltext: Atmel Corporation
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

Philippe Faure, Marketing Communications Manager -- Microcontrollers,
+33-2-40-18-18-87, or philippe.faure@nto.atmel.com, or Helen
Perlegos, Public Relations -- USA and Asia Pacific Rim,
+1-408-487-2963 , or hperlegos@atmel.com, or Veronique Sablereau,
Corporate Communications Manager -- Europe, +33-1-30-60-70-68, fax:
+49-71-31-67-24-23, or veronique.sablereau@atmel.com, all of Atmel


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