
WEF Global Competitiveness Report: Germany Jumps in Rankings, Infrastructure Remains Key

Geschrieben am 09-09-2010

Berlin (ots) - Germany has improved two spots in the global
rankings to fifth place in a study on international competitiveness
released today. This news comes on the heels of Germany's strongest
quarterly GDP growth since reunification. In the study, the country's
transport, communications and electricity infrastructure are
especially praised along with Germany's innovation capacity, the
latter ranked first worldwide.

The results of the World Economic Forum's Global Competitiveness
Index 2010/2011 further confirm Germany's attractiveness as an
international investment location. A group of relatively smaller
economies took the top three spots, with Switzerland again leading
the results followed by Sweden and Singapore. Germany has gained
ground on the United States, the latter dropping from second to
fourth place in the study. Following Germany are Japan (6th), as well
as comparably-sized European countries the UK (12th) and France
(15th). The study ranks 139 countries by means of both economic data
and surveys of executives.

The most important factor driving Germany's performance was its
infrastructure, which was ranked second worldwide. After claiming
last year's top spot, Germany trails only Hong Kong. This study
category examines the quality of the road, rail, waterway, and
airport infrastructure, as well as the electricity and
telecommunications grid. Strong performance in these areas
underscores Germany's position as a hub at the center of Europe,
equipped for rapid access to the rest of the European market. Faring
well in a large number of categories, Germany obtains top marks for
its innovation capacity, ranking first worldwide. This testament to
German research & development is complemented by its recognition for
adopting technologies for productivity enhancements. Germany also
ranks well in terms of its efficient goods market, intense local
competition and effective antitrust policy. Businesses are highly
sophisticated, meaning that there are a large number of quality local
suppliers and strong value chains, international distribution
controls, production processes, and cluster developments.

Germany's labor market is suggested as an area for improvements in
flexibility; however the study also recognizes the labor market's
contribution to reducing unemployment throughout the economic
downturn. The Global Competitiveness Report analyzes 100 indicators
of competitiveness in 12 categories. The executive opinion survey is
carried out be the World Economic Forum.

Germany Trade & Invest is the foreign trade and inward investment
promotion agency of the Federal Republic of Germany. The organization
advises foreign companies looking to expand their business activities
in the German market. It provides information on foreign trade to
German companies that seek to enter foreign markets.

Originaltext: Germany Trade and Invest
digital press kits: http://www.presseportal.de/pm/74441
press kits via RSS: http://www.presseportal.de/rss/pm_74441.rss2

Media Contact:
Germany Trade & Invest
Eva Henkel
Email: eva.henkel@gtai.com
T: +49(0)30 200099-173
F: +49(0)30 200099-111


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