
BP Solar at the World's Biggest Solar Exhibition 'Intersolar'

Geschrieben am 08-06-2010

Hamburg/Munich (ots) -

- Product presentation and latest technology innovations
- 'BP Solar Certified Installer' fifth anniversary

BP Solar booth: During the three-day 'Intersolar' exhibition in
Munich, starting on June 9th, BP Solar is presenting a selection of
its latest product portfolio and invites visitor on a 'time travel'.

Primarily exhibited product innovations are BP Solar's newest
generation of a T-series large-format module with 144 polycrystalline
half-cells; a new developed ThermoCoolTM high energy yield module
technology; and a black frame designed module as a premium product
for high aesthetic standards.

The 144-cell high-performance module is based on an entirely new
product design offering higher energy performance and an exceptional
light transmission and shading tolerance at lower system costs. The
half-cell technology has primarily been developed for the utility
scale and project segments. Initially as a 280 Watt version, the BP
3280T module is expected to be introduced into the European market at
the end of 2010.

'Thermocool' is an EVA formulation developed by BP Solar that
improves heat dissipation from the back of the module. Thus, a
Thermocool equipped module achieves an additional energy output
between one and three percent over a standard module in the same
footprint. Introduction in EU markets is planned for end of 2010.

BP Solar's new 215 Watt all black module BP 3215B is designed to
combine high aesthetics with highest lifetime value offering the
following benefits:

- The black frame and back sheet ensure an aesthetically-pleasing
photovoltaic solution maintaining a uniform appearance of the
roofline. - The aluminum frame has a rounded profile for better
handling comfort and is optimized for use with anti-theft bolts to
increase security. - An increased distance between cells and frame,
and an enhanced design to push the laminate to the front, ensure that
dirt accumulation will not shadow cells. Thus, the energy production
is maximized.

The BP 3215B is expected to be available for the European market
at the end of 2010.

All product innovations are backed up by an enhanced power
warranty offer with lower degradation rates on BP Solar modules
manufactured beginning January 1st, 2010. BP Solar was the first
solar company to offer a 25-year warranty in 1998.

"Through product innovation as well as continuous improvement in
design and manufacturing, we're taking photovoltaic solar product
performance to a new level," said Reyad Fezzani, BP Solar CEO. "We
focus our product offer on energy performance as this delivers the
highest value for the customer. Because, what creates true value to
the customer is the ability of a PV system to translate the power of
the system as purchased (watts) into usable energy (watt-hours) - and
this stable over the lifetime of the system. This is the guiding
principle behind our product development, which we state as "Highest
Lifetime Value".

Visitors are welcome to attend the BP Solar presentation on
product innovations at the Intersolar Europe Innovation Exchange on
9th and 10th June at 11 am in hall C3, booth no. C3.150.

Reflecting innovations and 'Highest Lifetime Value' focus, a
special attention at the BP Solar exhibition booth lies on the themes
product quality and reliability in relation to the lifetime of a
solar system. For example, booth visitors have the opportunity to
compare their aging process of 25 years to the one of a BP Solar
module in a time machine exploring interesting differences.

BP Solar celebration: For the fifth anniversary of the quality
programme 'BP Solar Certified Installer' BP Solar will be hosting a
celebration on the evening of 9th May together with the five
distribution partners Wagner & Co Solartechnik GmbH, Energiebau
Solarstromsysteme GmbH, FR-Frankensolar GmbH, IBC Solar AG and EWS
GmbH & Co. KG and about 150 BP Solar certified installer companies.

Fezzani: 'We are looking forward to welcome our customers,
business partners and other interested visitors at the worldwide
biggest solar exhibition taking place in Germany. They are invited to
discuss with our international BP Solar experts subjects around our
company, our products and photovoltaics in general.'

More information on BP Solar, the BP Solar product and service
portfolio is presented to you by our international team of experts at
the exhibition in hall A6, booth number 480.

Up-to-date photo material accompanying this press release can be
downloaded free of charge from the BP Solar website www.bpsolar.de,
under the press tab / photos from 15th June.

Notes to Editors

BP Solar, part of BP Alternative Energy, is a global company with
about 1,600 employees. BP Solar designs, manufactures and markets
solar energy products and provides complete solar energy solutions
for the residential, commercial, industrial and utility sectors. With
over 37 years of experience and installations in most countries, BP
Solar is one of the world's leading solar companies. BP Solar invests
more than $10M annually in photovoltaic research and development.

The 'BP Solar Certified Installer' programme was launched in
Germany in 2005 together with four sales partners. It is specifically
tailored on a three stage sales and distribution process. One major
factor of the programme's success is a long-term cooperation based on
partnership of distribution partner, installer and manufacturer. As a
result, BP Solar offers quality standards beyond simple module
distribution and creates, together with its long-standing partners, a
network of designated solar experts.

In 2009 the partner network was extended to a fifth sales partner.
Overall about 150 'BP Solar Certified Installers' currently
participate in Germany. The annual certification process includes,
for instance, intensive training in work safety and customer
advisory. In addition, an exclusive and customer-oriented marketing
and service offer for example BP Solar's service warranty is readily
available to certified installers because of their special status.

BP Alternative Energy, launched in November 2005, combines all of
BP's interests in low and zero-carbon energy including $8bn
investments up to 2015 in: wind; solar; hydrogen power with carbon
capture and storage; and biofuels. Alternative Energy invested $1.5bn
in 2006-2007 and a further $1.5bn in 2008 and around $1bn in 2009.

BP is one of the world's largest energy companies, with interests
in more than 100 countries and over 96,000 employees.

If you would like to find out more about BP Solar or BP
Alternative Energy, please take a look at the websites www.bpsolar.de
, www.bpsolar.com , www.bpalternativenergy.com .

Originaltext: BP Solar Deutschland GmbH
digital press kits: http://www.presseportal.de/pm/71638
press kits via RSS: http://www.presseportal.de/rss/pm_71638.rss2

Ludmila Fuhrmann
Telephone: 0049 (0)40 6395 3846
Fax: 0049 (0)40 6395 3850
Email: Ludmila.Fuhrmann@de.bp.com
Address: BP Solar Deutschland GmbH, Max-Born-Straße 2, 22761 Hamburg,


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