
Survey Reveals Many are Ignoring Basic Measures to Check for no.1 Heart Killer Disorder in Europe

Geschrieben am 07-06-2010

STRATFORD- UPON-AVON, England, June 7, 2010 (ots/PRNewswire) - Arrhythmia
Alliance, the Heart Rhythm Charity, announced today the results of a
survey conducted in Europe that showed a large number of respondents
ignore basic measures to check for potential cardiac arrhythmias, or
heart rhythm disorders. To raise awareness of the importance of pulse
checking and to inform people about how to take their pulse, the
Arrhythmia Alliance will open 2010 World Heart Rhythm Week (7-13
June) with the launch of the global awareness campaign 'Know Your

"Taking your pulse rate is a quick and easy way to identify a
heart rhythm problem which in some cases could potentially have
serious implications" - explained Prof A John Camm, President of
Arrhythmia Alliance. "Being aware of your pulse rate is the easiest
way for a patient to check for a potential cardiac arrhythmia and may
suggest when to contact a healthcare professional for further

According to the survey results, nearly 40 percent (37.6%) of
respondents do not take their pulse regularly, and 70 percent (70.3%)
are unaware if they are at risk of a cardiac arrhythmia. In addition,
nearly 60 percent (57.4%) of the respondents who have taken their
pulse in the past would not know how to take it again.

Arrhythmias are heart rhythm disorders that can cause a range of
conditions including Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) - a leading cause of
death in Europe[1], syncope (blackouts or loss of consciousness), and
atrial fibrillation (a leading cause of stroke, and the most common
of all cardiac arrhythmias). Conditions caused by heart rhythm
disorders kill more people in Europe than breast cancer[2], lung
cancer[2], stroke[3] or AIDS[4].

"Surprisingly, anyone at any age can be at risk. Sudden Cardiac
Arrest can affect the young and even athletes who are physically fit,
for example," commented Trudie Lobban, Founder and Trustee of
Arrhythmia Alliance. "This is why on World Heart Rhythm Week this
year, we are launching a campaign to encourage people to put into
place simple measures that can make a real difference, and detect
potential heart rhythm disorders for an early diagnosis and

The 'Know Your Pulse' campaign also seeks to raise awareness
amongst healthcare professionals of the importance of conducting
regular pulse checks during normal patient check-ups so that cardiac
arrhythmias are given as much attention as other conditions. Almost
80 percent (79.62%) of survey respondents felt that it is important
that healthcare professionals acknowledge this.

Website: http://www.knowyourpulse.org

Download a 'Know Your Pulse' check card and web application now
from http://www.knowyourpulse.org to monitor your pulse.

About the 'Know Your Pulse' campaign

The 'Know Your Pulse' campaign is coordinated by Arrhythmia
Alliance, a global coalition of patients, medical professionals and
caregivers dedicated to providing education, information and support
for people with cardiac arrhythmias. For more information please
visit http://www.heartrhythmcharity.org.uk

About Arrhythmias

A cardiac arrhythmia is an electrical problem causing the heart
to beat too fast (tachycardia), too slow (bradycardia) or
erratically. Symptoms include palpitations, shortness of breath, and
unexplained blackouts.

About the survey

An online survey was commissioned by Opinion Health, an
independent survey house, and was completed by 750 respondents in
Italy (n=250), Portugal (n=250), and the UK (n=250).


[1] Priori S et al. Task Force on Sudden Cardiac Death, European
Society of Cardiology, Summary of recommendations. Europace (2006) 4,

[2] International Agency for Research on Cancer, Globocan 2000.
Cancer incidence, mortality and prevalence worldwide.2001

[3] World Health Organization (WHO). WHO Burden of Disease and
Injury (Dataset-2002). World Health Organization

[4] CIA. The World Fact Book - Rank Order - HIV/AIDS - deaths.
Available at http://www.cia.gov

ots Originaltext: Arrhythmia Alliance
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

CONTACT: For more information, please contact: Caroline Butt,
Phone:+44-20-7331-5340, Email: caroline.butt@cohnwolfe.com


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