
EANS-News: SMT Scharf AG acquires first order for rack-and-pinion drive developed in 2009

Geschrieben am 27-05-2010

Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
responsible for the content of this announcement.

Company Information/Order

Hamm (euro adhoc) - Hamm, May 27, 2010 - SMT Scharf AG (German
Securities Code 575198, ISIN DE0005751986), technology and global
market leader for rail-bound railway systems for the mining sector,
has received its first order for the switch-in rack-and-pinion drive
system it developed last year. The order has a total value of around
EUR 2 million and is to be shipped to Russia in 2010.

A Russian coal mine in the Kuzbass region ordered three trains that
are equipped with the switch-in rack-and-pinion drive. It also
ordered track equipment and accessories. Other companies in the group
to which the mine belongs have already been using SMT Scharf´s trains
with conventional friction wheel drives since 2005. The trains that
have now been ordered will allow weights of up to 45 tons to be
transported. The inclines are up to 25° on sections of the
underground roadways on which the trains will be used, making the
switch-in rack-and-pinion drive the most economic solution for this
customer. This system is designed so that the driver can switch
between the friction and rack-and-pinion drive en route without
having to stop the train. The toothed racks that fit the pinion thus
only have to be laid on sections with particularly steep inclines or
in particularly damp environments. Both the rack-and-pinion drive and
the toothed racks can also be retrofitted to existing systems.

"We are very pleased to have received an order for this technology
from Russia in particular. That is where we presented the system for
the first time at a trade fair in 2009. We believe that this order
and a number of current enquiries are early indicators that the
Russian mining sector is expanding again, as was the case up to
2008," commented Dr. Friedrich Trautwein, SMT Scharf AG´s CEO. "We
believe that there is major potential for our business in the coming
years from Russia, and also from China and South Africa."

Company profile

The SMT Scharf group develops, builds and maintains transportation
equipment for mining and tunneling. The main product are rail-bound
railways which are used all over the world, primarily in hard coal
mines and underground mining for gold, platinum and other metals.
They are used to transport material and personnel with working loads
of up to 45 tons. Rail-bound railways are the only means of
underground transport that can be used on branching lines to cope
with inclines of more than 13 degrees. The SMT Scharf Group has its
own companies in Germany, Poland, Great Britain, South Africa, China
and Russia and additional dealerships. The railways that SMT Scharf
develops are characterized in particular by their high-performance
engines, great transport performance and low operating and
maintenance costs. SMT Scharf records more than 80% of its revenue in
high-growth foreign markets, such as Russia, China and South Africa.
Business with replacement parts and repairs accounts for around 40%
of revenue. The entire market for underground transport technology
comprises EUR 5 billion to EUR 7 billion per year according to the
company´s estimates. SMT Scharf AG has been listed in the Prime
Standard (Regulated Market) of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange since
April 11, 2007.

end of announcement euro adhoc

ots Originaltext: SMT Scharf AG
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

Further inquiry note:


Investor Relations

cometis AG

Susanne Gremmler

Tel: +49(0)611 - 205855-23

Fax: +49(0)611 - 205855-66

e-mail: gremmler@cometis.de

Branche: Machine Manufacturing
ISIN: DE0005751986
WKN: 575198
Index: CDAX, Classic All Share, Prime All Share
Börsen: Frankfurt / regulated dealing/prime standard
Berlin / free trade
Hamburg / free trade
Stuttgart / free trade
Düsseldorf / free trade
München / free trade


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