
WISeKey announces a Joint Venture with I-Teco to establish WISeKey Russia to provide eSecurity and Trusted Cloud Computing services

Geschrieben am 14-04-2010

Moscow / Geneva (ots) -

- Querverweis: Bildmaterial ist abrufbar unter
http://www.presseportal.de/galerie.htx?type=obs -

WISeKey, a World Economic Forum High Growth Company, is expanding
its global footprint via a group of strategic partnerships with key
partners. WISeKey's global expansion is targeting BRIC economies as a
priority, with several major wins in the latest months in Brazil,
Russian Federation, India and China. This enhances existing
operations in the USA and Middle East from the Swiss Hub, converting
WISeKey to one of the fastest growing eSecurity companies in the
world. I-Teco is a leading Russian systems integrator and supplier of
information technologies for corporate and state customers,
established in 1997 with a current turnover of more than 10 billion
rubles. I-Teco employs more than 1000 people including 800 highly
skilled IT-specialists, and possesses over 500 industry certificates
including ISO. I-Teco is among TOP500 Russian largest companies and
TOP5 consulting groups in development and IT systems integration
(ratings of "Expert RA"). In 2007 I-Teco was recognized as the
IT-company of the year in the field of system integration (RBC/CNews
Awards), and twice - in 2007 and 2009 - as the most attractive
employer (Superjob.ru).

Carlos Moreira, Founder, Chairman of the Board and CEO of WISeKey
said: «The economic outlook for Russia is very bright and this joint
venture enables WISeKey to respond faster to marketplace dynamics.
Our company will be in a better position to strategically invest in
Russia and accelerate our growth.» WISeKey?s partnership with I-Teco
establishes an alliance between two leading companies whose values
and product portfolios represent a rich legacy of bringing leading
eSecurity technology and services to consumers in Russia and around
the world. This will allow our company to provide Secure Cloud
Computing and security services from Russia with a localized High
Security datacenter in Moscow.

Alexei Remizov, Chairman of the Board of I-Teco said, «The joint
venture provides WISeKey a platform to expand its successfully
branded products to the Russian market and to export world class
Russian technology and services to international markets. WISeKey's
partnership with I-Teco leverages both firms' strengths and will
enable us to expand eSecurity and Trusted Services such as Cloud
Computing and Digital Identification much faster and more efficiently
across Russia and the region, substantially increasing revenues and

Anna Lipowska, Executive Board Member of WISeKey Russia, said:
«This cooperation allows two leading IT companies to expand their
business by combining Swiss neutrality, Russian know-how, and state
of art technologies. This is a powerful model that will be replicated
throughout the Central Eastern Europe (CEE) region.»

Dimitry Malyshev General Manager WISeKey Russia said: «Swiss
eSecurity combined with the experience and talents of I-Teco experts
responds to the highest requirements of Russian governmental
institutions and private sector. The joint venture will manufacture
next generation eSecurity products in Russia to be distributed

Under the Joint Venture agreement, WISeKey and I-Teco will become
financial and operational founders of the new entity - WISeKey
Russia, headquartered in Moscow. I-Teco will be the exclusive
distributor of WISeKey technologies, services and products in Russia
and will provide WISeKey Russia with the required datacenter
infrastructure allowing trusted cloud-computing services.

WISeKey (www.wisekey.com) is the one of the fastest growing
eSecurity company in the world. A leading Swiss information security
and identity management software and services firm headquartered in
Geneva. Its mission is to facilitate the global growth of secure
electronic transactions. It does so by supplying businesses,
governments, and individuals with advanced technology and services
that authenticates the identity of communicators, signatures, and
objects during Internet transactions.

I-Teco (www.i-teco.ru) I-TECO provides systems of information
security, integration services, consulting, service support and
outsourcing, it implements complex, integrated IT-infrastructure
solutions for major state structures, industrial and
telecommunications companies, financial and insurance companies and
small and medium businesses. Since its foundation I-Teco has the
right to work on projects related to the use of information
containing state secrets, with the establishment of means to protect
confidential information, development, production, maintenance and
distribution of cryptographic tools, having obtained the required
licenses of the FSB and Russian Federal Service for Technical and
export control.

Originaltext: WISeKey SA
Digitale Pressemappe: http://www.presseportal.de/pm/55044
Pressemappe via RSS : http://www.presseportal.de/rss/pm_55044.rss2

Carlos Moreira CEO WISeKey cmoreira@wisekey.com +41-22-594 30
Anna Lipowska WISeKey Russia alipowska@wisekey.com +41-22-594 30 05


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