
Planar Selected to Provide Thin Film Electroluminescent Technology to Dytecna Systems Engineering (UK) for Military Vehicle Displays

Geschrieben am 11-02-2010

Beaverton, Oregon (ots/PRNewswire) - Planar Systems, Inc. ,
a worldwide leader in specialty display solutions, today announced
that its proprietary thin film electroluminescent (TFEL) display
technology has been chosen by United Kingdom-based Dytecna Systems
Engineering for its new Crew Information Screen (CIS) design. Dytecna
Systems Engineering Ltd., which manufactures and supplies power
distribution solutions and Military Land Systems HUMS (Health and
Usage Monitoring Systems) for use in military vehicles, containers,
shelters, marine and rail applications, required a monitor that could
endure the extreme temperatures and demanding ergonomic conditions
encountered by armoured vehicle drivers, and could meet the rigorous
requirements of the UK's Ministry of Defence. Planar's TFEL solution
demonstrates Planar's ongoing strategy to deliver display solutions
specifically designed for high-performance operation in challenging
environments and specialty government and military applications.

Dytecna Systems Engineering provides the design, development,
manufacturing, supply and support of engineered solutions that
improve the function and operation of their clients' assets. Primary
capabilities include custom-built Electronic Architectures, Health &
Usage Monitoring Systems, and Power Management and Generation
products. All hardware is underpinned by ruggedized and easy-to-use
software developed specifically for the application. When operating a
military vehicle, drivers rely on Dytecna's Crew Information Screen
(CIS) to provide instant feedback of relevant vehicle and platform
status information. Planar's TFEL (EL320.240.36HB) display
technology, used with Dytecna's Health and Usage Monitoring System
(HUMS), provides Dytecna a reliable display that they integrate into
their system to effectively and reliably transmit necessary
information to vehicle operators. The ruggedness, sunlight
readability and low power consumption of Planar's TFEL displays were
significant features vital to Dytecna's integrated display
requirements for their CIS solution.

Dytecna Systems Engineering's sub-supplier packages Planar's TFEL
in an enclosure, which is specifically designed for the purpose, and
they have developed a function set controlled by simple push buttons.
Dytecna was looking for improved display performance when it comes to
durability in rugged operations to ensure at-a-glance readability,
wide operating temperature range and low power consumption in all
terrain vehicles. The excellent performance of Planar displays in all
these areas was the key reason the TFEL display technology was
selected by Dytecna. In addition, their engineers found that the
screen drivers were easy to develop for TFEL, allowing for a
highly-configurable display.

"We have four years of experience using Planar's EL in another
project, all of it positive. We found the Planar EL display to be the
right fit again for this project because of its function and ideal
size, as well as power consumption levels and reliable performance
statistics," said Calvin Allwright, Dytecna Systems Engineering
business development manager.

Feedback from Dytecna Engineering's customers, end users of
Planar's TFEL technology, regarding the previous collaboration that
utilizes TFEL is overwhelmingly positive. The users specifically note
that the display exceeds expectations because it is easy to read in
all types of operations.

"Dytecna is familiar with our products and has successfully
integrated them into their military solutions for several years.
After working with them further to create a custom solution to meet
their specific needs, as well as to exceed the rugged field-use
parameters demanded by the UK's Ministry of Defence, Planar's TFEL
proved to be the perfect fit for the job," said Doug Barnes, Planar's
vice president and general manager.

Additional information about Planar's TFEL technology and a
14-page electroluminescent design guide summary is available for
download at http://www.planarembedded.com/el-glass. More information
about Dytecna's HUM monitor is available at

About Planar

Planar Systems, Inc is a global leader of specialty display
technology providing hardware and software solutions for the world's
most demanding environments. Hospitals, space and military programs,
utility and transportation hubs, shopping centers, banks, government
agencies, businesses, and home theatre enthusiasts all depend on
Planar to provide superior performance when image experience is of
the highest importance. Founded in 1983, Planar is headquartered in
Oregon, USA, with offices, manufacturing partners, and customers
worldwide. For more information, visit http://www.planar.com.

ots Originaltext: Planar Systems, Inc.
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

CONTACT: Media, Elaine Ordiz of GolinHarris.
+1-213-438-8710,eordiz@golinharris.com, for Planar Systems, Inc.; or
Saija Luontama,+358-942-001, saija.luontama@planar.com; or Investors,
Ryan Gray,+1-503-748-8911, ryan.gray@planar.com, both of Planar
Systems, Inc.


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